It’s okay to take some time for yourself.
There is a good chance you know someone who got into a relationship, and it immediately consumed their life. Whether it was a personal experience or a close friend, it typically does not have a perfect ending. While relationships are exciting, it can be hard to navigate how much of it consumes you.
Making yourself a priority in your life is sometimes overlooked while being in a relationship. While it is great to be able to have someone that you enjoy hanging out with frequently, taking time for yourself is extremely beneficial. Although some people may think that putting yourself first comes across as “selfish,” doing this can lead to a healthier relationship with your partner and with yourself. It is hard to be there for someone else when you cannot also be there for yourself.
From my own experiences and through witnessing other relationships, it can be easy to disregard your health and needs. When you are spending all your energy or time on another person, it leaves no room for self-care. Practicing self-care by yourself is a great way to reset and recharge. Whether that means going on a walk, listening to a podcast, or making your favorite meal, it is good to take the time to be by yourself and do something relaxing. Self-care does not look the same for everyone, but however you practice it, you should try and make time in your week for it.
Having your own hobbies and interests is also extremely beneficial. Although doing things with your partner in a relationship can be fun, most likely they are not going to enjoy doing all the same things as you, and that is okay. Making the time to continue your hobbies and interests is the perfect way to take time for yourself.
When I find myself feeling stressed, upset, or overwhelmed I find that having a hobby alone is the best way to use my energy. This doesn’t mean that you cannot share your hobbies and interests with your partner, but you should also continue to do the things that you don’t normally do with them that you enjoyed doing before the relationship. This is also a great time to explore new interests and hobbies and allow yourself to get creative.
When you are constantly relying on someone else to bring you happiness, it can be hard to comfortably spend time alone. Being co-dependent can make it harder to have a sense of who you are as an individual. By practicing taking time for yourself you can avoid creating an unhealthy co-dependency. It is not good to have your mood solely depending on whether someone responds to your text or asks you to hangout. It is good to be able to look forward to other things and to be able to find other sources of happiness in life. Having independence while in a relationship is so important to keep a sense of yourself and your own worth. If you have other sources of happiness in your life, taking time for yourself will come more easily.
While a relationship can be an important part of your life, you are more than your relationship. There are other aspects of life that deserve your time and attention with the most important being yourself. Even if you live with your partner or see them every day, setting some time aside for yourself is important and should also be a priority.