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The Online Thrifting Revolution: A Guide to eBay 

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

In the wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the massive popularity of #thrifttok, the increased demand for online shopping and thrifting comes as no surprise. Buying clothes from online resellers on shopping platforms like Poshmark, Depop, Vinted, Listed, and eBay, can lead to unique finds and innovative additions to our wardrobe. Other benefits can include a more sustainable and vintage wardrobe and the finding of statement pieces.  

However, I would argue online thrifting is an art form that needs to be mastered. On popular sites like Depop and Poshmark, prices are higher due to the sheer number of users, which also means finding pieces you like can be more difficult.  

My favorite platform to shop secondhand online is eBay. eBay offers diverse options, an established reputation, and buyer protection. If you’re looking to better understand how to navigate eBay, there are a few steps you should take before starting to search.   

The Creation   

First, make an account. After you finish completing the standard profile requirements, eBay will ask you to customize your preferences. You will have the option to enter your sizes and favorite brands, which will help eBay understand what products to recommend to you. It also makes searching for specific things easier because it will show results that fit your measurements and style.   

The Search  

Once your account is created, it’s time to search. eBay has the option to filter your search results down to your size, new or used, price range, and seller location. It is best to search for fashion using specific terms. Instead of just searching “jacket” try “tapestry jacket.” It’s also good practice to use brand names, names of aesthetics, names of your fashion idols, and stay specific in your adjectives for the best results. Once you’ve found something you love, save it as a favorite, and you can even turn on alerts for when an item that matches your preferences gets listed.   

The Bidding  

On eBay, you can either buy items for the price listed on the platform or bid to negotiate a different price. Personally, I prefer to bid on items. It’s a great feeling to get the object of your desire at a reduced price. However, if it’s truly something you cannot live without, buy it at the listed price to ensure it’ll become yours. To bid, scroll to the bidding section, place the amount of money you’re willing to bid, and then submit. Simple enough. However, check the seller ratings to avoid any potential mishaps or scams.   

eBay also has a beautiful feature called “automatic bidding.” To set up automatic bidding, you enter the largest amount you are willing to pay for an item. Then, eBay will automatically bid on the listed item up to that price point you’ve set. I like to use the bidding feature because it allows some flexibility around prices. The competitive nature of it is exciting and entertaining, and it gives me the opportunity to get special and unique pieces.   

If you want to start using eBay’s bidding feature, I suggest turning on your notifications since you’ll want to update your offers. In addition to that, make sure to watch the time of the auction. It’s normal for bids to increase at the end of an auction, so don’t forget to check back in.   

The Winning   

Once you win your lusted-after items, make sure to communicate with the seller so you are informed about shipping and delivery. To complete your experience, leave feedback. Leaving feedback on your seller just benefits the other buyers — be a team player.   

eBay is a great source for finding unique, vintage, and stylish pieces that will become staples in your wardrobe. It’s also an affordable way to buy clothing that is better for the environment since by buying secondhand, you are repurposing already existing garments. I prefer to use eBay because of its reputation and buyer protection. If you were to get scammed on eBay, the site will refund you if your item is damaged, never came, or doesn’t match the original listing. I’ve used other resell apps, like Poshmark, Depop, and Vinted and, in my opinion, eBay is the safest and most affordable option.   

My name is Emilia Mancuso, I attend Temple University as an advertising major. I am apart of Her Campus at Temple and I write for the fashion and beauty segment. I'm originally from the Poconos, more specifically Brodheadsville, Pennsylvania. I was my high school's newspaper editor, and often wrote for the features, and lifestyle columns. I love to write fashion and beauty articles, but also short stories, poems, and opinion essays. I've enjoyed my writing all my life, and hope to be able to continue to do it throughout my life and future career. Besides writing, I also love to read my favorite genre of books to consume are celebrity memoirs, horror, collections of personally essays, and poetry. Sewing is another interest and hobby of mine. I have a strong interest in pop culture, everything from old Hollywood legends to the Jerry Springer show. Music means so much to me, I've been on a multiple year journey to learn the guitar and I'm positive eventually it'll stick and I'll improve.