Nothing brings more joy than having a week off of school after several weeks of stressful classes. Spring break is a chance to go on a vacation, hang out with friends and family, re-immerse yourself with your favorite activities and much more. Unfortunately, this year is different. Spring break has been canceled for many universities nationwide, including Temple University. This is sad news for students that have been looking forward to a break, but Temple has offered two Wellness Days to make up for the spring break loss. Even though it’s nothing compared to a one week spring break, there is still an opportunity to relax and unwind.Â
- Unplug
With everything being online these days, it’s easy to spend your whole day on your phone, tablet and laptop. Since this is the one day you don’t have to worry about attending a Zoom class, it’s a chance to unplug and spend a day away from the screen. This can also include taking a day away from social media. Social media can add stress to our day without us even realizing it. We tend to compare ourselves to others we see online. This is why it’s important to take a day off of social media and enjoy your surroundings. It’s a great way to appreciate the things around you and not find something to compare it to. Also, it gives you the opportunity to let your mind rest. Instead, you can go for a walk, read a book you’ve always wanted to read or get creative with some art techniques.Â
- Do Something You Love
Whether it is cooking, writing, drawing or even watching Netflix, Wellness Day is the perfect day to do it. Having this day to yourself gives you the perfect chance to get back into something you love and haven’t gotten the chance to do. It will reignite the passion you had for this activity and make you appreciate it more. It also allows you to relax your mind and not worry about upcoming assignments.
- Try Something New
If there is something you always wanted to try but never got the opportunity to, Wellness Day is a great day to try it. It could be trying a new recipe, watching a new TV show or learning a new language. This day gives you a chance to see if you like this new item or experience and to see if it is something you want to continue in the future.
- Pamper Yourself
As the name suggests, it is the perfect day to take care of your health and wellness. This means practicing self care in a way that is meaningful to you. This could be resetting your space by cleaning and redecorating, making DIY face masks and body scrubs, journaling, or mediating and doing some yoga. Whatever brings you joy and puts your mind at ease. For me, I love putting on my favorite playlist and jamming out to my favorite songs. I also love cooking myself dinner and watching a good show. Make sure to take this day to put your mental and physical health your top priority.Â
- Reach Out to Loved Ones
You can also take this day to reconnect with people you haven’t gotten the chance to speak to in a while. With how hectic school is, it’s easy to forget to check up on friends and family. With Wellness Day, you can take the day to Facetime, call or meetup (socially distanced of course) with a friend or family member. This can also be a day to speak to your therapist or psychiatrist to help with anything that has been bothering you lately. It’s always good to talk out your emotions with someone you trust.Â
Even though two days can’t make up for a whole week of vacation, Wellness Days are still a chance to relax and destress. Make sure to take these days to enjoy yourself and prioritize your mental and physical health.Â