Awakened by the alarm clock I hit the snooze button and pulled the covers over my head for another 5 minutes, another 5 minutes, and another 5 minutes until I am late. After 35 minutes I rushed out of bed realizing that I had overslept. I quickly do my makeup, brush my teeth, and grab a quick breakfast to have on the go to get ready for the first day of the fall semester. As I run out my door to catch the sub, I catch my neighbor’s eye as I slip down the flight of stairs in front of my house all while never losing eye contact with my neighbor and her dog. After getting up and dusting the snow off my jacket, I hope that I am done embarrassing myself for the rest of the day and I continue to rush to the subway.
I consider winter to be one of the most beautiful seasons, with the soft white snow and the crunch of ice under my feet. If you look closely, you can see the uniqueness of each snowflake and I begin to walk slower to take in all the beauty of winter. This is the point when I start to realize that I will be late if I do not pick up my pace, rushing towards the subway there is a crowd of people getting off the bus in front of me and I cross the street to the subway station. While running down the stairs to the subway my face is red from the snow, my hair is a mess from the wind, and my hands are frozen, yet I am still in high spirits.
When you hear that rush of wind while walking down the stairs into the subway you know it is time to speed up. As I hit the platform, I saw the subway doors close and I was a few seconds too late. Luckily, the next sub is not too far away, and the wait is not that bad. When the next sub arrives and I enter it is crowded with all diverse types of people, children, elderly, students, and everyone else in between. I, however, am on my way to school, not only is it snowing but it is also the first day of the fall semester and I am extremely excited. I get off my stop and am excited to see the snow-bound world one more time.
Unfortunately, a bullet of realization hits me: I hate the snow. I exit the subway tunnels and see something extremely different, the snow is no longer white, it is gray and black from the dirty streets, it has splotches of yellow from people who have been walking their pets, and there are puddles of gray water littered in various places on the sidewalk.
Despite the freezing cold, I am still excited to go to class. Walking into the building I hear the squeaking of everyone’s shoes as they scuffle to their class, and I do the same.