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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tennessee chapter.

Major: Graphic Design
If you could be in any movie what movie would you be in?
There Will Be Blood  because that’s one of my favorite movies, and Daniel Day Lewis’ character is a bad***.
What’s your favorite word that rhymes with your name?
Probably Gin… With a s**t ton of lime – so good.
What’s your favorite song to jam to?
Right now it’s “Do the Astral Plane” by Flying Lotus. That song freaking rocks.
What’s your favorite Christmas food?
Chocolate banana bread. I could eat my weight in that stuff.
Three things you would hate to live without?
Drawing, Breaking Bad and crack…just kidding . Totally couldn’t go without the music I listen to while I’m working.
What’s the first thing you notice about a girl?
If you could design for any company, who would it be?
Some sort of nonprofit campaign for a really good cause. Something environmental. Something utilitarian and globalist.
If you could have any superpower which would you have?
Invisibility. I could steal anything!
What would you do if you were writing the plot for another Twilight?
I would bring Van Helsing into the mix. So he could kill Jacob and Edward, and then he’d probably get some from what’s her name… I’m serious what’s her name?