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How to Deal: Surviving long car rides all by your lonesome

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tennessee chapter.

I think I speak for almost everyone when I say that I am super pumped to be going home for the holidays. After what seems like a lifetime of exams and last minute papers, I am finally ready to surrender myself to a month’s time of home cooking, sleeping in, and, most importantly, no more classes. Unfortunately, I have to endure a seven hour car ride alone in order to make it home to Collierville, Tennessee (which, for those of you who have no idea where that is, is right outside of Memphis). To say hours and hours of driving with just the road and myself can get a little lonesome is a bit of an understatement. So here are a few tips in order to keep you from passing out at the wheel or going crazy:

1.     Music is Your Friend- My idea of a car ride from hell would be a long, quiet car ride- talk about the easiest way to fall asleep.  It’s best to either listen to the radio (which can get pretty repetitive), cds, or your iPod (my personal preference). You’ll almost forget there’s no one beside you by having a constant companion there to sing with you. Plus, let’s get real, singing by yourself can be a little less embarrassing than belting in front of a friend- especially one who can sing better than you.

2.     Make up Games– I know this sounds really lame, but for me, the best way to pass time is by making up my own personal games. Sometimes I play the license plate game, but somehow that’s not quite as fun when there’s no one there to laugh at your brilliant names. Another fun game I like to play is Imagine What’s Actually Happening. Although this game can look a bit stalkerish, it’s really fun. Sometimes I peer into the car next to me and either see people singing or arguing to which I make up really goofy songs for them to be singing or topics they could be fighting about. Obviously I get bored easily.

3.     DO NOT TEXT- I will admit, I can struggle with this concept. How can you not, what with being deprived of social contact for hours on end. However, if I DO feel a compulsive need to talk to someone, it IS better to call them in order to avoid the ADD- like twitchy head syndrome in which you can’t seem to divide your attention. When all else fails, wait until you’re getting gas- then text to your heart’s content!