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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas PB chapter.

Hello everyone! I have struggled with anxiety for many years and I have slowly found some coping mechanisms that personally help me control my anxiety and prevent anxiety attacks. I hope this can help you all!

General Anxiety:

Prevent Anxiety

  • Meal prep
  • Prepare everything for next day the night before (outfits, purse, backpack, get gas)
  • TLC (tender loving care) (baths, candles, naps, shopping)
  • Distractions (music, show, projects)

During Anxiety Attack

  • Remove yourself from the situation (go walk, go to another room, hang up a phone call, go to your vehicle)
  • Grab something to fidget with (ball, paper, pen, color, makeup)
  • Focus on your breathing (set a timer to only focus on breathing, place your hand on diaphragm to feel your breathing, light a candle and go smell it)
  • Vent (journal, call someone you can trust, talk to a pet, pray)
  • Have a weighted blanket (on your lap, chest, full body)

After Anxiety

  • Recuperate (take a nap, bath, lay in bed)
  • Grab your favorite drink (hot chocolate, tea)
  • Cuddle with something you love (person, animal, blanket, stuffed animal)
  • Watch/ listen to something (podcast, read, music, show, movie, video)
  • Social Anxiety:
  • Preparation
  • Ensure you know a few different routes to take (if driving, walking, etc.)
  • Words of affirmation (you’ll be okay, etc.)
  • Have protection with you (whistle, pepper spray, taser)
  • Make sure all devices are being charged (phone, tablet, headphones)
  • Make plans for someone you trust is available just in case (talk on the phone, go with you, etc.)

During Social Interaction

  • If alone
    • Have earphones in (listen to calming music/podcast)
  • If with others
    • Think of calming things
  • If you are freaking out
    • Focus on breathing
    • Have something to fidget with (anxiety jewelry, etc.)
    •  Remove yourself

After Social Interaction

  • Reward yourself
  • Make a goal for your next social interaction (mine is to go somewhere with a large crowd without my broth
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Abigail Flores

Texas PB '22

Hello everyone! I am Co-Corespondent of HerCampus at Texas PB! I have dreamed of having an opportunity to have a large enough platform to make a difference since I was young and I plan to take full advantage of this journey of empowering fellow women!