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13 Reasons to Run 13 Miles

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

13 Reasons to Run 13 Miles

1. It is hard, but it is achievable

The half marathon may not have the edgy appeal of the full marathon, but for new runners it is a new challenge. Of course, it requires months of training and proper diet, but it will not consume your life. Half marathons are not impossible! They are reachable!!

2. There are so many different races to choose from

The number of races taking place has exploded throughout the years. You can almost find some type of race occurring every weekend. With that, the distance of the races is also growing. Also, all the different competitions allow you to travel to run. It might not seem like an ideal vacation, but you can find new, exciting places to run!

3. You love competition

There is so many people who compete in half marathon races. It’s mind blowing when you show up to the race and realize all the people you are competing against. This gives you motive to be the fastest, be the best! There is no better feeling than pushing yourself and running past the finish line.

4. It is a way to escape the craziness of life

Just put one foot in front of the other. Each step you take is an outlet. It is so simple. No outside factors. Just you and the open road, running. On overwhelming days, it feels so peaceful and great to be able to run a few miles.

5. Easy way to stay fit

You don’t need much to run. All you need is your running shoes and an open trail or road. No matter where you are at you can always find a good place to run. Sometimes you don’t have time to drive all the way to the gym or find a bike trail, but there is always somewhere to have a quick run.

6. It helps boost your self-esteem

It doesn’t matter if you lose weight. During training, your weight fluctuates. Sometimes you weigh more or sometimes you weigh less through the gaining of muscles. But, what truly matters is the fact that you are being healthy. Your body is exercising and accomplishing new goals.

7. It gives you a reason to run

Running is never an easy task. It is exhausting and time consuming. But, having a goal or a race to be training for gives you a reason to run. Most people need some type of motivation to get up and run, and half marathon is the perfect reason to run!

8. You need a challenge

You’ve probably already run in countless 5K and 10Ks and now you are looking for something new. A half marathon is the perfect challenge! It might feel like a big stretch to go from a 10K to running 13 miles, but with training it is possible.

9. It’s an excuse to tour a new city

Many of the race courses take you through different parts of the city you are running in. You could be taken through historical or new monumental parts of the city. It is a fun way to explore a new city!

10. An excuse to eat A LOT of carbs

Typically, the night before your race you feast on carbs. It is the one time it is completely fine to eat some of your favorite pastas! Also, a lot of races organize a dinner social the night before the race. So, while you are loading up on carbs you can meet some new people!

11. You get to meet new people

Some people you meet through running can later turn out to be some of your closest friends; others are friendly faces that you pass by. No matter how close you are to other runners, it is nice to have a connection and have something in common. Runners are very active on social media and always offer endless support!

12. It is something that is your forever

There is no feeling that can describe what it is like to cross the finish line after running 13 miles. You get to proudly wear your medal and feel triumphant. You take endless pictures to show off to the world your huge accomplishment. As time goes on, your pictures will be in a huge pile with other pictures, your shirt will become worn out from too many washes, your medal will be in a random box, but, you’ll always be a half marathon finisher!

13. Because you are able to

There are many people in the world who suffer from different disorders or accidents that prohibit them from running. Some people will never get to run. They will never get to experience a runner’s high. So, being able to go out and run 13 miles makes me incredibly lucky and grateful. Just being able to experience a half marathon makes all the exhausting training worth it.