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5 of the Coolest Pumpkins You’ll Ever See

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

While we all know that carving pumpkins and fall go together like bobbing for apples and mouth herpes, sometimes the gooey pumpkin mess just isn’t worth it. Here are 5, no-carve pumpkin DIY’s that you can do in the comfort of your dorm!


1. Want to add some color in your life? Try this melted crayon pumpkin craft!

What you need: 24 pack of crayons, hairdryer, hot glue

What you do: Hot glue the crayons around the stem of your pumpkin.

Using your hairdryer on low heat, melt the crayons to desired state, let cool for 15 minutes.

2. Want something a little smaller? Check out these *sweet* little donuts.

What you need: Mini pumpkins, acrylic paint, paint brushes

What you do: Using painter’s tape (or free hand,) paint around the stem of your pumpkins. Let dry, and once dried you can add tiny sprinkles on the top!

3. If you are a classy lady, these spray-painted pumpkins will be right up your alley.

What you need: Black, gold and white spray paint, circle stickers, painter’s tape  

What you do: Spray paint the stems gold, once dry paint the entire pumpkin white. Wait until pumpkin is dried and then use the painter’s tape to create your patterns.

4. BOO! Create some scary baby pumpkins with vampire teeth.

What you need: Mini pumpkins, vampire teeth, red paint, small knife

What you do: using the mouth template from the link above, cut out area for vampire teeth. Once done, wedge vampire teeth in hole. Add red dots for eyes.

5. No mess, no problem! Create a fall look with these autumn flowers.

What you need: Faux flowers, small ice pick

What you do: Poke holes around the middle of your pumpkin, about one inch in margin. Push flower stems through holes.




Kara is a senior Management major at The University of Texas at Austin. She loves recreating any and everything she sees on Pinterest and watching videos of Corgi's frolicking in fields. You can find her writing music and drinking iced coffee anywhere on campus.