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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

Thanksgiving break is right around the corner and yet some people might still be wrapped up in assignments that need to be completed, studying for finals, etc. But even though finals are right around the corner, Thanksgiving break is the perfect time to relax and recharge– for a day at least. Here are five things I will do to give myself a little TLC.


I don’t even need to get into this one. The number one thing on my to-do list for at least three days of the break is to catch up on the amount of sleep I’ve been missing from this long semester.

2. Long Walks

Although I already walk an insane amount at school half the time, I don’t get what I need out of the walk – and that’s to clear my head. So my goal for the break is to take morning walks. Be present outside, take notice of my breathing and surroundings – really just ground myself in the present.

3. Bake

I have wanted to bake all semester in my apartment, I just have not had the time. And I’ve been craving cookies SO bad, so now that I am going home, I hope I’ll dedicate myself to baking on one of the days. Baking what, you ask? I am not sure. Maybe cookies, chocolate cake, choco flan– who knows?

4. Facemasks

My roommate bought me a bunch of facemasks at the beginning of the semester because she could tell I was stressed, and honestly, I have not used a single one. When I get home from class, I just want to sleep and so I am never really in the mood or have the energy to put a face mask on, even though it’s not that hard. So maybe one of the nights during the break, I’ll do a little skincare night and, FINALLY, watch Selena Gomez’s documentary.

5. Read

I bought so many books before the school year started because I like to read. And while I usually will read three to four books a semester– this semester, I’ve only read and completed one. I don’t expect to read all the books I bought in a week, but I expect to put a good dent into one I can finish by the time winter break rolls around.

These are just a few tips for self-care items you can check off during Thanksgiving break. Honestly, if you decide to do nothing, I completely understand because I might do the same, but at least knock these five off my list.

Talisa Treviño is a Junior (2025) Journalism major and Government minor in the Moody College Honors Program at The University of Texas. She is interested in audio storytelling and feature writing. When she has down time her hobbies include watching too much Bravo reality TV shows and playing Animal Crossing New Horizons.