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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

For me, fall brings all the feels. Pumpkin patches, sweaters, chai, and- major burnout. This season can be incredibly stressful, but it doesn’t have to be.

Fall has always brought mixed feelings for me. As a Texas girl, I constantly check my weather app, waiting for that beautiful “60 degrees,” which signals the end of a sluggish, sweaty summer and the chance to finally breathe. Except, I can’t. Fall also brings midterms, club meetings, and more parties than I can count. Many Octobers in a row, I’ve found myself burnt out almost beyond repair.

Does it have to be this way? Why is it that so many of my friends have considered changing their major around this time of year?

I think this season of life is all about balance. Everyone in your circle understands the feeling—dozens of assignments, skipping club meetings just to make progress on one of them, and maybe a spiral or two. For me, this is fall. I feel like I have to bottle up all my emotions and worry all season, just longing for winter break. But what if we all talked about what’s going on inside?

Talking about feelings isn’t easy, but simply knowing that someone else is going through something similar can be so liberating.”The act of sharing what daily life is like can help you and others with the same struggles realize that you’re not alone,” writes Eric Ravenscraft.

Also, these feelings don’t have to be scary. Thoughts about changing your major or leaving an organization are often just little pointers in the right direction. Of course, don’t make any major life changes during your sad girl hours, but embrace the openness to change. After all, college is the place to learn and grow. You’ll likely graduate as a very different person than you are now, and that’s completely okay.

As for academic burnout, short-term solutions can help. Host a study session with people you trust, and talk about your feelings there, too. You’ll get your (much-needed!) work done and connect with your community more deeply.

Lastly, embrace the seasonal changes around you! There’s so much happening if you just look up and step outside your bubble. Enjoy all the PSLs, pumpkin patches, and crunchy leaves this season has to offer.

If you need immediate help, text or call 988 to talk with someone who can assist.

Lizzie Bassett is a freshman journalism student at UT Austin. She works at multiple publications on campus and is excited to start her HerCampus journey!