It’s the best holiday of the year. I’m not talking about “Hot chocolate cookies for Santa time”, and I’m definitely not talking about “Ringing in the New Year” time. I’m talking Thanksgiving time. There are so many reasons why this holiday is the best. Remember the three F’s: food, family, and football. However, in case you needed any more reasons to be grateful for this thankful holiday, I have 5 reasons why Thanksgiving is the best.
You get to eat turkey
Who doesn’t love Turkey? The smell of Turkey just fills your nose with hunger and next your mind with warm fuzzy memories.
You get to eat pie
It’s not a real Thanksgiving without pie. Pie represents the crust of Thanksgiving—it holds everything together.
You get to watch Football
Whether you are an avid Football fan or not, there’s nothing like the sound of whistles and cheering fans to lull you into your post-food coma nap on the couch.
You get to spend time with your family time and talk to your grandparents
Most of the time people mumble and grumble about family time; however, it’s all about your mindset. If you flip your mind to positive thinking, there’s no way you won’t have a good time. Enjoy the conversation. Enjoy the time you have with the ones surrounding you. Be grateful that you even have the opportunity to enjoy this time. Most people take grandparents for granted. I am fortunate enough to still have all four of mine. They are literally products of history. Whether they like to admit it or not, they’re old. Pick their brains.
You get to say something you’re thankful for
This part goes unnoticed and is why I saved it for last. Thanksgiving is a time to pause. Take a moment and look around. No matter what happened during the year, there are so many reasons to be thankful. You are standing here on this Earth and celebrating this holiday. Take this moment to really relish in everything your world has to offer you, because that right there is the beauty of this holiday. Be thankful. Say thanks.