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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

Spring registration is around the corner so even though winter has shown up in Austin, we can live vicariously through warmer days soon enough! Below, you’ll find some information about registration that I actually shared with my TrIG Mentees that I hope you’ll find useful as you navigate the coming weeks! 


Q: When is registration for Spring 2020? 

A: Registration (Oct 28th, 2019 – Nov 8th, 2019)


Q: How will I know when to register? 

A: Registration Information Sheet (RIS)

  • This sheet has information about the dates and times assigned to you to register for the Spring 2020 semester.

  • To check for bars that may prevent you from registering, scroll to the bottom of the RIS page and follow instructions to resolve these issues prior to your registration dates.

  • For any questions, please contact the UT Registrar directly!



Q: How do I know which classes I have already taken and which classes I need to take?

A: Interactive Degree Audit (IDA)

  • The Interactive Degree Audit automatically runs to track progress towards degree completion. You can see what classes you need to take for your core and major requirements as well as classes you’ve received credit for.


Q: Registration is overwhelming! Do you have any tips on managing all of the information?

A: Google Chrome Extension: UT Registration Plus

  • This app is incredibly useful as it provides a centralized place to access information about courses, professors, past syllabi, and so much more! 

  • Watch this nifty YouTube video that provides an overview of the features of the app!


Finally, I also compiled a list of important deadlines to remember as we make our way through the second half of the semester! I know this isn’t registration related, but there are some important registration-related deadlines to consider!


Fall Semester Important Dates:

Thursday, Oct 31st

Wednesday, November 27th – Friday, November 29th

  • No classes!


Monday, December 9th

  • Last Day of Class


Thursday-Saturday December 12th – 14th, Monday-Wednesday December 16th – 18th

  • Fall Semester Final Exams


Mandy Burt

Texas '21

Mandy is a senior studying at the Moody College of Communication.
Megan Turner is studying Spanish and Political Communication at the University of Texas at Austin. In her free time she enjoys long-distance running, painting, and spending time with friends.