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Spring Clean Your Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

Spring Break is here, giving us the chance to step back from all the pressures of school and enjoy life a little. I would encourage you to take a moment, in the middle of your Cabo adventures or SXSW excursions to just breathe. Seriously. I know it sounds silly, but close your eyes and take one really good, deep breath in and out.  Sometimes it takes stepping away from all the chaos that we deal with everyday to realize what’s important.

It’s the season for rebirth and we should do just that, before the inferno that is the Texas summer comes along. I want to encourage you to try to reinvent yourself a little and to let go of whatever is weighing you down. I know how easy it is to get bogged down in relationships out of a sense of obligation. Whether it be with the friend that you’ve known since childhood that you don’t really have that much in common with anymore, or the acquaintance that you tolerate at every group gathering. It’s okay to just walk away sometimes. You’re a beautiful flower and you don’t need things in your life that aren’t allowing you to grow. You are not a bad person to admit that some things are just not for you. This is the time to de-clutter your heart and your soul just so you can feel a little lighter.

So while you’re sipping on your margarita or stuck in line waiting to see your favorite bands, take a second to think about what really matters to you. Make mental “keep” and “toss” piles and trash all the irrelevant stuff. Once break is over and real life begins again, I think you’ll see the benefits of this emotional cleanse. You’ll be happier, more focused and a maybe even a little weightless.