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Summer Tips from the 90s

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

School is almost over and summer adventures are on the horizon! Whether you are headed off to frolic around Europe or heading home for the summer, we looked to some of our 90s favorites to give us tips on how to have a great summer!

Passport to Paris
As any stylish pre-teen knows, the best way to spend any vacation is mall-cruising, pool-lounging and going to a dance with a cute boy. If you can’t partake in those activities, what’s the next best thing? Running off to Paris and cruising around on a moped with a cute French boy, of course. While you’re doing so, make sure to learn from MK and A’s experiences:
  • Poisson = fish, boisson = drink; if you confuse the two you will get fish instead of drinks and then insult the waitress about her smell.
  • If you need to cruise around on said mopeds with said cute French boys, make sure you have made friends with a French supermodel who studied “International Relations” who can distract your chaperone.
  • Read up on water treaty depositions just in case you need to save your Grandpa’s ambassador dinner.
  • Know the rules of jinx.


The Lizzie McGuire Movie
Do you remember the trip to Italy your parents paid for you after your middle school graduation? Cool, us neither. Fortunately for our old pal Lizzie McGuire (she wasn’t technically in the 90s, but we’ll forgive her), her parents financed her trip and she ended up outing a shady pop star who banished his old singing partner. Talk about a busy trip. If you make your way across the pond, make sure to watch out for these mistakes:
  • Don’t look like European pop stars, because you will end up being used in a ploy.
  • Don’t trust guys you just met over your best friend that you’ve known since forever.
  • Remember when you eat Italian gelato that it has twice the sugar as American ice cream.
  • Don’t forget to read the info packet!


Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion
80s mixtapes and memories of suburban proms make for the best road trips heading back to your hometown for your 10 year reunion. After being taunted in high school, Romy and Michele try to use the reunion to impress the popular A group. Although it hasn’t been 10 years since you’ve seen friends from high school, those awkward interactions in the aisles of Target are the worst. These tips should help you out:
  • Be who you are, and don’t give a flying f*** what Christy Masters thinks.
  • If you are going to make a fake persona, make sure you know what your job is before you order two hamburgers and diet cokes from a diner.
  • Your use of nice lines and fun, frisky use of color of your homemade clothes will get you recognized by Vogue.
  • Be nice to the “nerds” because then you’ll be able to perform “Time After Time” and then take off in a helicopter.
Before there was “whatevs,” there was “as if,” which would be exclaimed as you sift through all of the “full-on Monets” in your life. Maybe your summer will revolve around finding you a summer fling and just hanging out with friends at parties, and Cher could give you some solid advice (even though she did end up with her ex step-brother):
  • Do laps before you commit to a location at a party.
  • Read one non-school book a week.
  • Try using “sporadic” in a sentence.
  • Send yourself love letters/chocolate.


Kenyatta Giddings is a double major in Broadcast Journalism and Radio-Television-Film at the University of Texas at Austin. She's a former toddler in a tiara from Dallas, Texas and enjoys recording voiceovers for Radio Disney, writing for various publications, and contributing her production and on-camera talents to an array of programs. In her spare time Kenyatta consumes herself with all things vintage shopping, entertainment media, and brunch. Follow her pursuit for fabulosity on Twitter @kenyattapinata and her favorite online magazine @HerCampusTexas.