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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

Coming back from spring break has been…rough. It was only a little more than a week and I still feel like I’m in relaxation mode. How am I supposed to go from doing absolutely nothing to fully grinding out new assignments and worrying about upcoming tests and projects? Also, it’s almost April! The semester’s almost over. Where did the time go? Here are a few tips and practices I’ve been trying to incorporate into my routine to get back into school mode.

1. Set an Alarm

This is such an easy thing to do that some people forget about. It’s important to set an alarm or have a set time to wake up and start your day. Consistency is key and helps build habits, that way you’re not waking up late or obscure times throughout the night. I know alarms don’t work for everyone, so find a system that works and is personal to you! You won’t know what doesn’t and does work until you experiment. 

2. Leave Your Space

Whenever I wake up late or am feeling lazy I tend to do class online, then I’m either falling back asleep or laying bed later than I intended, then all of a sudden I refuse to leave my apartment. The days I do this make me feel so unproductive and I’ve learned I feel better and more energized if I’ve left my apartment. I’m not saying you have to run all around campus or be gone all day, but I’d encourage you to leave your space at least once. Go for a walk or a run, grab coffee or dinner with friends, study somewhere new! Sometimes we need relaxing days and want to stay in, that’s normal, but don’t forget to go out and be in the sun, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

3. Study Dates

Back to the topic of studying, I’ve had a way busier week coming back from spring break than I did prior. Getting back into the flow of thinking about readings, assignments, papers, and tests has not been the easiest this week. Whenever I work in my apartment I’m easily distracted, so I try to switch up my workplace with different cafes or places on campus! Most of the time I study by myself, but it’s nice to be with friends too so you both make sure you’re being productive. So take yourself out on a study date or bring a friend! Once I’m sitting down and focused it’s so much easier to work.  

4. Make A Checklist

Ever since I was introduced to Google calendar freshman year, I stopped using my physical planner. I used to swear by it and now my whole life sits on my Google calendar. Both are amazing options, just depending on your preference and which one you’ll actually fill out and use. However, a checklist is something I haven’t done in a loooong time and I’ve decided to start implementing it into my routine to help plan out what I need to do for the day. It’s such an easy and simple task to do that takes literally a few minutes and I am so forgetful of the littlest things, so I’m excited to do this again.

5. Have Something To Look Forward To

This is key. Always give yourself something to look forward to in the week. It can even be something small like meeting up with a friend one day or even short-term like grabbing a coffee when you finish class. Big or small it’s important to have rewards at the end or during the week to keep you motivated. Stay on top of your studies and know what you need to do, but don’t forget to take care of yourself too!

Alexis is a senior journalism major and business minor at the University of Texas At Austin. She currently serves as a writer and an associate editor for Her Campus Texas and enjoys creating content about lifestyle, pop culture, and food. Instagram: @ave_lexi