If you’re like me, you hear the word Civic Engagement and you don’t really know what it means. Well after this article, we’ll both be more knowledgeable. The definition of Civic Engagement is individual and collective actions designed to identify and address issues of public concern, meaning anything you do to get involved in your community. That is a very broad definition, so I’ll try to help narrow down some things that are considered Civic Engagement.
1. Voting
The most obvious form of Civic Engagement is voting. You can read up on all the candidates and make an informed decision on who to vote for. Find out when to register to vote, where to vote, and when voting takes place. This is the most important thing you can do to help your country and community.
2. Paying Taxes
This may not seem like something that is very helpful to your community, in fact many people dread paying taxes, but the money taken from taxes helps to better the community.
3. Signing a Petition
Signing a petition for something you care about can also be Civic Engagement. If you believe what you are signing for will better your community, you are practicing Civic Engagement.
4. Community Service
Community Service is also a broad term, but it can mean cleaning up a park, working at a food bank, working at an animal shelter, or working in a community garden. There are many more forms of community service, you just have to find the one that’s right for you. Community service is very important to improving your community, and everyone should take part in it at some point.