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Wellness > Mental Health

Why Is Therapy Frowned Upon?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

For many years I took on the thought process that mental health could be dealt with if you just toughened your skin, and rolled with the punches. After all, your thoughts and emotions are under your control, right? Wrong…completely wrong. Before you read any further, I’d like for you to keep this one statement in mind: asking for help does not make you weak. Yes, you can reach out to a close friend or family member when you are in need of a talk. Its has actually worked for me plenty of times, but ultimately, these people can only understand you to a certain extent. Nine times out of ten, they do not have the proper knowledge to truly make sense of your thoughts nor do they have effective advice to help you work through your traumas properly (unless they are/were a psychology major, of course). I feel as though many people avoid therapy for three key reasons: fear, pride, and doubt. In all reality, these reasons should be tucked away forever because there is no shame behind seeking to better your mental health. When speaking to a therapist, you don’t have to worry about being judged, receiving biased advice, or even worry about biting your tongue because sometimes nobody is worthy of knowing the darkest parts that lie within you. The beauty behind therapy is that you are not only able to speak about your most secretive thoughts out loud, you’re also letting them out to somebody who is genuinely willing to not only help you through them, but validate them as well. 

The human brain has proven to be one of the most complex parts of the human body- hence the quote, “Your brain is your toughest muscle.” Unless you study the field, you are more than likely unaware of the complexities within neuroscience. With this being said, you receive a different response when you are talking to a licensed professional who is educated on the ins and outs of your brain in comparison to talking to somebody who knows just as much as you do. You’d be surprised to find out that there are studies and explanations as to how every single one of your issues sources from an underlying factor (even some events that occurred in your early development). 

I speak very openly about the fact that I see a therapist. While my friends and family were mostly supportive, they still asked me why I chose to go in the first place. They along with the general population had many wonders and doubts about the subject, which told me that therapy wasn’t as normalized as I had thought. I know they mean well, and I am truly blessed; but there’s still that second between saying the variation of words “I go to therapy” and the polite reaction where the stigma lives. All of their present doubts and thoughts transform their facial expression into discomfort and confusion even though they may say the words, “That’s great! I am happy for you.” Many of these people are under the misconception that people in therapy are crazy, needy, and unfortunately, weak. This is simply untrue. When I made the decision to go to therapy, I was extremely skeptical, but I knew that my mental health needed to be helped somehow. After my first session, I knew exactly that this was something I was going to incorporate into my life for as long as I am here on this earth.

Through speaking with many people, I’ve noticed that the major issue behind not seeking therapy boils down to income. In this link you will be able to find ways to make it possible. Mental health is something that should no longer be something that is avoided, instead it should be treated just how you treat the rest of your physical health. When it comes to the stigma that revolves around therapy, remind yourself that if you know you need help mentally, then you deserve to receive it. Lastly, I leave you with the same statement that I started you off with: asking for help does not make you weak. 

Communication and Leadership major @ The University of Texas ‘25 Living, Learning, and Growing đŸ€