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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

It is obvious that we still live in a sexist society but women are constantly going above and beyond to get the respect and place they deserve. We know a lot about women history but we tend to lose hindsight about the current changes & empowering women we have today and the movements made by them. There have been many new movements that are started by women but are continued on to help everyone else in society. 


Ni Una Menos Movement & Me too movement 

The “Ni Una Menos” Movement is a feminist movement started around 2015 in Argentina. This movement later spread across many countries in Latin America. The movement was started to stop the gender-based violence that was happening. Women were being kidnapped in the streets, beaten, and even raped. The sad part about all of this is that this continues to happen. Women began the movement to call attention to the different crimes being committed against women. Femicide in Argentina had become a very overwhelming issue and people all over Latin America began to realize that this was an even bigger issue, given that women were constantly disappearing, being hurt or killed in the streets of many Latin American countries. 

The Me Too Movement was one very similar to that one of Ni Una Menos from Latin America. This movement was started to speak out and show support of those women who were rape victims. This movement then transcended to not only being for women but for anyone and everyone who had been a rape victim or victim of sexual harrassment/assault. This movement rapidly spread and so many people got to share their stories, from celebrities to people from across the world. Up to this day people continue to bring attention to this movement and have continued to attain justice for these terrible crimes that have been committed against them. 



The topic of abortion has always been considered a “touchy” subject for many, and let me tell you it’s mainly an issue for those who are NOT women. Abortion has been made political, just like everything else and it is disgusting how so many people want to tell women what to do with their bodies. It is up to a woman to decide what she would or wouldn’t want to do with her body. Regardless of the situation, the one with the uterus and womb should be entitled to the final decision. This on going battle of legalizing abortion in many countries has became a huge issue. Everyone and anyone who supports a woman’s right to abortion have began to raise their voice and support the women’s right to decide what they would want to do with their body. While no one should be forced to keep the fetus, no one should be forced to get rid of it. We want women to be able to decide on their own and be supported regardless of their decisions.


Climate Change 

As the years have progressed, we as humans have harmed our planet so much. The damage is so extensive that our planet cannot take it anymore. The climate has begun to change and caused many natural disasters to rise from this. Believe it or not, there are many people who up to this day deny climate change from being a real thing, and sorry to break it to you all but … CLIMATE CHANGE is very much real. Women have been some of the main advocates for raising awareness on this issue and trying to change some habits we have so we can become more eco-friendly. Women are greatly affected and neglected in many areas of the world where people suffer from many of the effects of climate change, and due to that many organizations for women have begun to push more on this issue. Many of these organizations have met with global leaders, and while unfortunately there hasn’t been much change, there is progress being made and women continue to try and call attention to it.


Many of these movements have been started in small towns but have spread across nations. Women continue to experience a lot of different forms of oppression and it must end. Being a woman myself who has faced oppression and has been a victim of sexual harassment, I will continue to raise awareness to these different issues. Speaking & acting upon these issues will soon get women the place in society we deserve.

Other than these movements, women have done amazing things throughout history that have gotten us to the place we are in today. We deserve more recognition for being the best contributing members of this society. No more judgment. Keep your hands off of us. Support & uplift us. Respect us. While it is women’s month & international women’s day just recently passed, women should be respected & supported no matter the time of year.

Frida is a second-year neuroscience major at The University of Texas at Austin. She is from Houston, Texas. She enjoys painting, connecting with nature, and doing tarot readings!
Chandler is a senior at UT double majoring in English and Chinese while pursuing a Certificate in Global Management. She currently serves as one of HerCampus Texas' Campus Correspondents and adores live music, dogs, friends, and mindful living ♥