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A List of Random Things That Are Actually Worth the Money

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Toronto MU chapter.

To spend or to save? That is the question. On one hand, the dopamine rush I get from receiving a package on my doorstep is unmatched. On the other hand, the satisfaction I get from opening my online banking app and seeing the number increase feels pretty good, too. 

I’ve come to realize that some things just aren’t worth the money. Even though I could purchase that cute top from Aritzia because it’s on sale, I probably won’t be wearing it a lot since it’s in bright pink. And even though I would love the new iPad Pro for note-taking in class, the one I use now still works completely fine, even if it has a home button. 

But there are also some things that are just so worth the money – so here’s a random list I’d like to share. 


Yes, I know Starbucks is pricey – but there’s just something about the experience of visiting your local store and grabbing an Iced Green Tea Lemonade on a hot sunny day. While making your beverages at home can be a great way to save, I do believe that it’s fine to splurge on Starbucks once in a while because it always seems to lighten my mood. 

quality, timeless AND capsule CLOTHIng

This one’s obvious, but I can’t count how many times I purchased a clothing item, only to realize that it didn’t check off all three boxes – quality, timeless, and easy to match. Sometimes, purchasing a cheaper alternative may seem like a good decision at the moment, but if the item doesn’t fit right or pills quickly, you’ll probably end up having to purchase another one later. So, I’m a big believer in splurging for clothing items that last long (quality-wise and style-wise). Not only is it more sustainable for your wallet in the long run, but it’s also sustainable for the environment. 

Jewellery (the kind that you never take off)

If you’re someone who likes to keep your jewellery on at all times, I believe it’s worth it to spend more on good-quality pieces and materials that won’t rust or dull over time. After all, you’ll definitely get enough use out of it if it’s never coming off. 

A Nespresso machine (and pods, of course)

Yes, purchasing drinks from coffee shops (like Starbucks) is worth it, but I do like a balance between making my own coffee at home and splurging on specialty beverages. And for that, a Nespresso machine goes a long way because of all the different pods you can choose from. I’m not an expert coffee drinker, but this machine makes me excited to wake up in the morning because the drinks it makes are just that good. In the end, each pod comes down to about $1 per beverage, so the machine is a great investment if you’re trying to cut down on expensive coffee runs. 

Noise-cancelling headphones

A good quality pair of headphones makes a huge difference when it comes to setting the mood. I personally enjoy having the noise-cancelling feature because it gets me in the zone to complete any task on my checklist, whether that’s working out, writing an essay, or even washing the dishes.

Protective cases for your tech

This goes without saying, but I’m going to say it anyway – protective cases can save you so much more money in the long run. This also goes for quality screen protectors, laptop sleeves, and waterproof backpacks. You wouldn’t want one rainy day to ruin your expensive laptop, so investing in protective gear is always a good idea.

A paperlike screen protector (for iPads)

If you use an iPad and an Apple Pencil to write notes, you don’t know what you’re missing out on until you write with a paper-like screen protector. I ordered mine as a pack of two on Amazon for about $30 which I thought was pricey at the time, but after testing it out, I can’t imagine writing without it. The rough surface makes it that much more satisfying to write which actually motivates me to study more. 

Nike Elite basketball socks

This may be a random one for anyone who doesn’t play basketball, but these socks are literally the best socks for working out. Although they’re quite expensive, starting at $18 for one pair, I’ve never regretted purchasing the several pairs I have. The quality and cushion are just so amazing, I feel like a workout (or a basketball game) won’t ever be the same without them. 

Spotify Premium

I’m currently on the family plan, but if I ever had to pay the regular price for a Spotify Premium membership, I wouldn’t think twice about entering my card information. I probably listen to music for at least half the time I’m awake, so the amount of use I get out of the app just makes the cost so worth it.

Those are just a few random things that are (in my opinion) actually worth the money. I’m usually a big believer in saving for the future, but with these items, I wouldn’t hesitate to make the purchase again. However, it’s definitely important to acknowledge that being able to spend freely on the items I want is a privilege. Although I do work for the money I spend, I’m grateful for all the opportunities that have allowed me to live the lifestyle I currently have.

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Jessica Ho

Toronto MU '24