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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Toronto MU chapter.

Summer is coming up, and as students, this is a great time to start thinking about full-time work and gain some experience. Whatever the case, building an online portfolio can be great for future employers.

LinkedIn (no, this is not sponsored) is a great platform to document your professional and academic achievements that would look great to a future employer and connect with relevant people in the industry you are looking to work in. 

LinkedIn is a great way to get your name out there as an early professional and start building your network. Here are some tips on how to optimize the platform, stand out, and make some real connections! 

Setting up your profile 

When using LinkedIn, there several things you should have ready as you set up your profile.

The first thing you should consider is your “About” section. This is where you get a chance to explain who you are as a professional and best articulate what makes you stand out from others. Talk about your current position, who you are as an individual, and what you offer as a potential employee. 

Next, your resume should be updated to include your work experiences, education, and skills in the profile. Unlike when applying to a specific job, this is an opportunity to showcase your vast skills, so anything you think would appeal to your network and future employers. So, take some time to add different experiences you are proud of and will demonstrate different skills you have acquired. 

Lastly, have a headshot ready! This puts a face to all the things you include in your profile and authenticates you as a real person. Here are some tips for taking a good headshot.

In summary, make it simple — have a neutral background, good and even lighting, and wear something that you would wear in a job interview.

Your headshot is an extension of your personality because, as they say, “a picture is worth a thousand words,” so be yourself! 

Making Connections 

Your connections on LinkedIn are the people you are building your network with. This can mean people in an industry you hope to find yourself in and/or people you find inspiring.

Starting by sending connections to those who attend the same school as you could help generate algorithmic recommendations. LinkedIn is pretty good at getting an understanding of your interests based on who you connect with, so this is useful for building connections. 

Next, move towards companies you find interesting. Look for people at all levels at these companies to familiarize yourself with the kinds of experience others working there are coming from. You can gauge the kinds of things that are useful for those at the companies you hope to find yourself. 

Socializing on LinkedIn 

What’s great about LinkedIn is that you can use it as a way to hype yourself up. If you win an award, post about it! Tag the institution that awarded you and express your gratitude.

Did you just get a new position? Tell your network about it — explain how you feel and extend thanks to your new employer.

If you went to an interesting professional event, definitely post about it and again, tagging people can help boost it. 

You have the freedom to continue demonstrating your journey as a professional and let people know about your proactive ventures. You also want to interact with your connections and their posts. Congratulate others, like their posts, and leave comments wherever you can. This is a space to uplift others as well, so make sure to share your support when possible. 

LinkedIn is also a good way to personally reach out to people you connect with. Setting up a coffee chat not only creates personal connections but also helps you understand the different backgrounds people are coming from. Ask specific questions about them and their career and get a feel for how you can relate and gain similar experiences.

Keep in mind, though, that this is not an interview! This is supposed to be an informal conversation about someone you want to connect with, almost like making a new friend. These can be held virtually or, if possible, suggest an in-person meeting at a coffee shop, or they might propose a chance to go to their office/workspace.

LinkedIn is a great place to start to build relationships with various people in the industry. 

Promote your LinkedIn 

Whenever possible, direct people to your LinkedIn. If you are at a networking/professional event and meet someone interesting, ask them to connect. This can be a great way to not only build your network but also continue a great conversation with someone.

In addition, if you leave a good impression on the person you are speaking with, there may be room to be considered for possible job opportunities, invites to events, and your name shared within their network. 

Overall, LinkedIn is a professional networking platform that can help build your name and reputation as a job hunter. There are some great ways to meet new people and continue building your portfolio.

Creating a LinkedIn goes way beyond how many connections you make; it’s a useful tool that will assist in promoting your resume and the skills and experiences you come with.

So, if you haven’t already, open up LinkedIn and get yourself out there! 

Jillian Gonzales

Toronto MU '25

Jillian Gonzales is a third year Creative Industries student at Toronto Metropolitan University. She was born and raised in Toronto and loves the city. Her interests include music, tv and film, and sports. Jillian also loves to shop and cannot survive without her coffee. You can find her on Instagram @jillian.jg