I know we are all going through that phase. With the new semester and assignments every day, you’re uncertain if you are doing the right thing. You’re probably even very scared right now or were, at some point. I know I am.
These past few days have been a rollercoaster for me. So, a little back story. I am a first-year journalism student and I decided to pursue it as my career because I love writing and sharing my stories with beautiful people, like you. Recently, because I had so much going on in my life and had a boatload of things on my plate, I wasn’t able to dedicate time to writing; I started writing articles just for the sake of it. At one point, I felt so uncertain that I started questioning if I made the right choice with my career.
I think you get the idea of what I am trying to say. The thing that I want you to notice is that I am still here. I am still doing what I am supposed to do. I am still writing and I am still a journalist. That is because I understand that I am at a stage in my life where it is very normal to be uncertain about the path I chose. Even if it is not about me right now, there must be so many of you who want to change careers because you feel that it is not right for you, and that is completely okay. Even if you don’t want a change and just want to continue with what you are doing, but feel like you are “not made for this” or “won’t be able to succeed,” you do not have to be terrified. This phase is bound to come at least once in your life. That doesn’t mean you should give up, feel sorry for yourself or feel pressured. You did well so far and will continue to do so.
If feeling uncertain about your field is making you feel like people are going to judge you, don’t let that affect you mentally. It is your life and only you know what you want to do and how much progress you have made. If you are not sharing how you’re feeling right now with anyone because you think it is impractical or irrational, then you are wrong. Talk to your friends or your parents about it, and if you are not sure who to talk to about career uncertainty, talk to your academic advisor. But most importantly, give yourself a break.
Your mental health is so much more precious than anything in the world. You can be anything you want and you know you have the potential. All you’re lacking is some self-confidence right now. Being uncertain about your career is totally normal at our age. Just like you, even I get stressed over whether I will make enough money in the future or if I will be able to fulfil people’s expectations of me, but you can never predict where life will take you. Maybe you do not get where you want in five years, so what? You will get there in 10. It is okay to take some extra time if it gives your mind the mental peace that it deserves. If you feel you made the wrong choice then it is never too late to change. At the end of the day, it is all about enjoying what you do.
I know it is all easier said than done, but my advice to you is to be as uncertain about the future as you want. This will tell you what you actually desire. Maybe you don’t want to be an engineer and you want to write music, or maybe you don’t want to study business and want to study fashion. Maybe you are in fashion and are just a little confused about whether or not you’ll make it in the industry, but you love what you do. All of this is normal. So, don’t stress your cute little head with so many thoughts, and just learn to go with the flow. I promise that life has something so beautiful planned for you ahead.