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Why You Should Embrace Healthy Minimalism in 2020

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Toronto MU chapter.

Minimalism is a concept that’s been around for a while, but has been a hot trend in the last couple of years. YouTubers, Instagrammers, bloggers, and content creators have been swapping out photo walls for white walls, tons of clothes for just the basics, and products with lots of ingredients for products with simple recipes. But what is all the hype about? Is it just a trend or can minimalism really change your life? 

The minimalist lifestyle is a movement that helps you reduce your possessions to just the necessities, because we’ve finally realized that life can be just as good without 14 pairs of blue jeans. With consumerism being a major aspect of our lives in the 21st century and social media and television constantly pushing more purchases, it can be difficult to hold back from buying more stuff. Minimalists remind themselves that if they really need it to survive, then they’d already have it. 

If you’re interested in trying out a minimalist lifestyle, keep in mind that it’s not all about barren walls and plain white t-shirts; it’s so much more than that. Minimalism can change the way you treat those around you, perceive the media, and help you find your passion. Still, it can be easy to overdo and you may become overwhelmed with the idea of being a “perfect minimalist.” Everyone has their own version and their own level of minimalism that works for them, and 2020 might be your year to find that balance! Here are some reasons you should consider embracing minimalism this year and how to do it healthily:

To help the planet

As a minimalist, one of the major points of the lifestyle is that you buy less. Consuming less means producing less waste, which of course helps our planet. A lot of vegans easily identify with minimalism, as their food products do not create a lot of waste and it’s easy to purchase other foods without the plastic wrapping and trash that comes along with it. 

Whether it’s food, fabric, paper, plastic, or other waste, bringing less into your life means less goes out. Challenge yourself to use a very small trash container and be wary of the wrapping on your food items. When you’re tempted to buy new clothes, ask yourself if you really need it and if you’ll use it for a long time. If you know it’ll end up in the trash soon, just don’t buy it.

To conserve your wallet

Along with doing it for the planet, minimalism can greatly help your wallet. Minimal purchases allow you to focus your income on important bills like rent, transportation, education, and groceries, plus you’ll be able to let yourself be a little more lenient in those areas. When you do purchase things that aren’t necessarily a need, try to purchase good quality items. These items might be more expensive but they should be around for a long time and the price will pay off in the number of uses.

To be more productive and successful

When you have less stuff to distract you, you can focus on what is really important like school essays and cleaning your apartment. This will also help you reach your career goals faster as you can see the finish line clearer. Along with this comes less stress and who doesn’t want that? With fewer things to worry about, you can focus on what’s important and this will help your thoughts become less cluttered. This newfound focus can be channelled into your goals and career to push you through to success. You might also be more willing to take entrepreneurial risks. Try using a timer like Forest or Flora when you’re doing homework and keep your work space decluttered and clean.

To help discover your purpose

With less stuff to distract you, you’ll be able to discover what you’re truly passionate about. Minimalism can help show you what’s really important in life and remind you that you are important in this world. Only having a few things also means that you can see what makes life beautiful; it’s not the new phone or the hoodie you’ve always wanted, it’s your friends and family and the time you spend making the most of every day. Minimalism is a great way to reignite your happiness and passion for life.

To become a better version of yourself

After embracing minimalism, you will gain an appreciation for the little things and this lifestyle will ignite your love for everything around you. Everything you own will have a purpose and the purchases you make will pay off. Focusing on your passions and being productive also means you’ll be able to reach your goals faster. You’ll be less stressed and you can focus on things that will make you a better person like your relationships, health and confidence.

So I think we can all see why minimalism isn’t a trend but an increasingly popular way of life that goes against the constant needs and wants of consumerism. After embracing minimalism, you’ll have a new appreciation for everything around you, you’ll be able to save more money, help the planet, discover your purpose and be more productive. Who doesn’t want that?

Ella Bonaldi

Toronto MU '22

Born in Toronto, I've always been surrounded by the big Toronto sports teams in the media, and participating in sports was a major part of my childhood. I'm currently attending Ryerson University for the Sport Media program, and I've had the opportunity to write articles for RUtv, as well as create features and videos on Ryerson athletes to tell their stories. I also co-host the radio show called Girls Got Game, which focuses on bringing awareness to the struggles of being a woman in sports and sport media. I'm passionate about opening up the world of sport media to women, and showing readers what the amazing city of Toronto has to offer. You can expect lots of articles about Toronto life, and about sports and pop culture!
Sarah is a fourth-year journalism student at Ryerson University. As Ryerson's Campus Correspondent, Sarah is a self-proclaimed grammar nerd. In her spare time, Sarah is either buried in a book, trying to figure out how to be a functioning adult, or enjoying a glass of wine - hopefully all at once.