Valentine’s Day, one out of 365 days of the year the single people of America absolutely dread. Perhaps because it is when we face the facts that we are single, and possibly bitter about it. But we really shouldn’t feel too bad about it — being single can be a great thing. If you ask me, I think that we should embrace being single on Valentine’s Day and celebrate.
1. Celebrate by inviting your girls over for “Gal-entine’s day.” Rent a cute chick flick, order a large pizza, buy some chocolates and just have some much needed girl time.
2. Eat as much chocolate as you want: No one will judge you.
3. Remember the only men you need in your life are Ben & Jerry — enough said.
4. You don’t have to dress up for Valentine’s Day, you can wear your sweatpants all day and feel great about it.
5. Treat yourself! Buy a dozen of Fractured Prune Donuts (If you have the Order Up App for your phone, you can have them delivered to your house) and indulge in the sweet goodness.
6. Visit your family, and spend time with the people who really matter in life. Your family will always love you.
Have a good Valentine’s Day!