Netflix recently added Gilmore Girls and as soon as I found out I knew I was doomed. I tried to stay away because I knew that I could not simply watch one episode of Gilmore Girls. I feel like that is true for any TV show you start watching on Netflix. Once you stop it is impossible to stop. You are trapped and addicted to watching show after show. After I watched the entire first season of Gilmore Girls in one week, I realized I was addicted to Netflix. Here are five signs that you are addicted to Netflix too.
1. You don’t even wait for the 15 seconds before clicking the next episode. Netflix gives you 15 seconds to decide if you are going to do something with your life, if you don’t even think before watching the next episode then you are hooked.
2. You use Netflix as an excuse to get out of social obligations. You notice yourself using Netflix as a verb. For example: “I can’t hangout tonight, I’m Netflixing.”
3. You can say that you’ve watched an entire season in one sitting. When they put all the shows in one place and make it automatically go to the next one, it’s hard to stop. Before you know it you have watched the entire season and are already onto the next one.
4. You watch so much Netflix you don’t even realize that time has gone by. Time flies when you sit in front of your computer and watch show after show. You get so caught up in the world of the show that you don’t even realize the world has gone on without you.
5. You have withdrawal when you finish a show on Netflix and you’re not sure what to do with your life…until you find a new show to be addicted to.