Kelsey D’ascoli is a junior at Towson University. She is a forensic chemistry major in the Honors College, involved in many different clubs on campus. She participates in Students Helping Honduras, maintains a role as vice president of the club field hockey, and is the president of the co-ed flag football club. Kelsey’s accomplishments with the flag football team landed her a feature as this week’s campus celebrity!
An avid football fan, Kelsey has been a member of the flag football since her freshman year. She joined the executive board her sophomore year and is now in charge of the whole shebang. In the past two years, the team has been back to back regional champions. They’ve also made two appearances in the national championship.
As president, Kelsey takes on various roles to keep in the team in order. She makes the roster, fills out the necessary paperwork for the team to travel to games, and many of the other demands the Sports Club Organization requires.
This year, Kelsey hopes to build upon their momentum and win the regional championship for a threepeat. Additionally, she hopes to place in nationals. Good luck to the co-ed flag football club!