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LEAVE IT TO EVA: Voting 101

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.

Voting doesn’t seem as interesting as, say, a boot sale at DSW. But for many of us, 2012 is the first election year in which we actually can vote–and it’s one of the most important things we’ll ever do. Every single citizen over the age of 18 can do something to change the course of American history. So why on earth would you go into the voting booth uninformed, or even worse, not at all? Here are some tips to help make your first election go smoothly.

First of all, know what you want. You wouldn’t select a lover without knowing your turn-ons and turn-offs, and you shouldn’t select a candidate or a political party without doing the same. How do you feel about the big issues like abortion, war, immigration or gay marriage? Do you like change, or do you prefer traditional values? 

Now you need to make sure you’re registered. I registered at the MVA in my hometown, but you can do it via the Disability Support Services at Towson too. Once that’s done, it’s time to do your homework. Which of the candidates meets your requirements best? Remember, just like with a person you’re dating, nobody is going to be perfect. You have to see whose benefits outweigh their flaws. 

Diddy did it!

Get the story on your candidate from all sides. No news station or paper will be completely unbiased, so watch news networks or read papers that support that candidate to see the positive promises and actions of your chosen politician. Then watch networks that critique them to see what they might be doing wrong. I’m a huge fan of comedy news too–it’s heavily biased and not the most academic source, but it makes politics much easier to understand and get involved with.

Choosing your presidential candidate is like getting wooed by two different guys and having to choose one to be married to for the next four years. It’s a big decision! And as with dating, you have to think about who is going to be best for you, not just who your parents or friends would like best. When it’s all said and done, it’s you and you alone in that voting booth. So vote for who you and you alone want to win!

A journalism major and art history minor, I love writing, research and shopping trips! I'm also always on the lookout for money saving tips and tricks.
Alexandra (Ali) Pannoni is a senior at Towson University majoring in journalism with a minor in theatre. She is the founder and editor-in-chief of Her Campus Towson. As the Campus Celebrity columnist for Her Campus Towson, Ali has interviewed Country Music Superstar Chuck Wicks and Major League Baseball Player Casper Wells. In Spring 2012 she was an editorial intern with Baltimore magazine. Currently she is an intern for the nationally syndicated radio morning show, The Kane Show, heard locally on HOT 99.5 in Washington D.C. and Z104.3 in Baltimore.  You can view some of her published work for Baltimore magazine on her website. She loves reading magazines, (attempting) to run, and hanging out with friends and family.