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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.

Time management. The key to success, but the act of managing your time is truly easier said than done. Every day, there’s something to do, and it always seems there’s not enough time in a day to do them. Below are some tips to making the most of your 24 hours.


Interesting, right? The most important aspect of getting anything done is to be awake for it and to give it all the attention it deserves. That can’t be accomplished if you’re tired. So, with that being said, sleep is essential to getting any task done efficiently and to your best ability.

Stay Focused and Hide All Distractions

Turn off your social media notifications. Log off of Netflix. Log off of YouTube. All of it. A tip to staying focused: Choose a candle scent that you really enjoy and burn it every time you’re about to do work. In due time, you’ll associate this scent with productivity, and you’ll be focusing on what you need to do in no time).

Make a To-Do List

Taking the time to write down things that need to be done is crucial to even getting anything done. Investing in an agenda could be beneficial, but it’s also not far-fetched to grab a sheet of paper and listing out your tasks for the day, or even the week.


Now that the tasks have been listed, it’s time to determine which task is more significant and which ones are trivial. Knocking out the most important of the bunch will help ease the process, because it only gets easier from there.

Take Short Breaks

After each task, it’s alright to take time to breathe and relax for a few minutes. Factoring in 10-minute breaks can help you sustain the energy needed to take on the various tasks assigned for the day. Don’t wear yourself out!

Stay Organized

Keep track of where things are and what you have to do. This way, your mind isn’t distracted by the chaos surrounding you, and it can stay laser-focused on the task at hand.

Keep Your Daily Routine

Somethings are always going to be on your list of to-dos, like eating! Make sure you factor in times that will be set aside for eating, recreation and slumber. Remember, your time should not only consist of work. Live!

Discipline over Motivation

At the end of the day, it all comes down to discipline. Motivation to do great things comes in waves, but discipline will keep you on the path of success longer. The only way to get anything done and make the most of your 24 hours is to have the determination it takes to finish what you’ve started. 

Hey, I'm Chante'. I'm a sophomore and I major in Sports Management, double minoring in Business Administration and Music Industry. My passion is music and I am an avid pop-culture consumer, which are my favorite things to write/ post about. I hope you find at least one of my articles interesting, or at least find something new you didn't know about before.
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Towson '25