Are you dealing with a long-distance relationship while in college? You aren’t alone. They are pretty hard to keep up and to stay completely happy with. Especially when you go out with your friends who are single and collecting numbers all night, which could make you think the grass is greener on the other side. Now, add in the total hottie with the washboard abs who lives only a few floors down from you, texting you to come down and share his bed. It’s pretty tempting on lonely nights. The percentage of long-distance relationships in college are 32.5%, and the percentage of long-distance relationships that break-up is 40%. The average amount of time for long distance relationships to break up if it’s not going to work is 4.5 months.
I’m not saying that you and your boyfriend/girlfriend will break-up, but if you are in a long distance relationship, you have probably been together for a long period of time and love each other. The love you two have for each other makes it even harder to be apart. If you are not sure whether to stay together or break-up, first, you should sit down and think about whether or not you think he/she is being faithful to you. Do they deserve this much of your commitment? Can you see yourself having a future with this person? If you answered ‘yes’ to both of these questions, then the next step would be to call your significant other and see if they feel the same way you do — if they have doubts or if they are confident in your relationship. If you answered ‘no’ to them, it is probably best to break it off and open new doors for yourself to see who else is out there. You may be missing out on someone fantastic who is also close to you. If you are still unsure with the temptations all around you, you may want to explain that taking a break for a couple weeks without speaking to each other is best choice for the time being and will help you figure out what you really want.
If you are having more relationship questions or doubts, want to submit an article about your college long distance relationship success story, or share some advice from your experience, send it to
Or, you could follow me on Twitter at @nikkiroeill!