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Unraveling the Legacy of the “Ghetto”: Confronting Historical Stereotypes in the Black Community and Beyond

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.

By Allyyah Aali

Recently, Black TikTok users have engaged in a contemporary discussion about the use of the word “ghetto” and its dangerous interchangeability with criminality. This discussion stems from a viral trend where Black individuals would confess to taboos not commonly associated with their community. For instance, “As a Black person, I’m not afraid to admit I can’t play spades.” However, this trend morphed into something rooted in anti-Blackness, with numerous videos implying a connection to negative stereotypes. Statements like being afraid of “hood” or “ghetto” Black people started appearing on my timeline, causing concern.

Let’s delve into the history and derogatory nature of the term “ghetto.” Originally, it originated in medieval Europe, where Jewish communities were forcibly segregated into designated areas within cities, marked by overcrowding, poverty and discrimination.

Fast forward to the 20th century, this term took on a new meaning in the United States, particularly in the context of Black communities. As Black Americans migrated from the rural South to urban centers in search of economic opportunities during the Great Migration, they found themselves confined to segregated neighborhoods characterized by poverty, neglect and systemic racism.

These so-called “ghettos” became synonymous with urban blight, crime and social dysfunction in the eyes of many. But what’s often overlooked is the role of systemic inequalities in shaping these communities. Decades of discriminatory housing policies, economic disinvestment and social marginalization have perpetuated cycles of poverty and deprivation in Black neighborhoods, creating barriers to opportunity that continue to impact generations.

Today, the term “ghetto” is laden with harmful stereotypes and assumptions about Blackness, poverty and criminality. It’s used to justify discriminatory policies, perpetuate racial stereotypes and stigmatize entire communities. But it’s time to challenge these narratives and confront the legacy of the “ghetto” head-on.

We must recognize that the “ghetto” is not a reflection of inherent moral deficiencies or cultural inferiority, but rather a product of systemic injustice and inequality. By acknowledging the historical context of the term and its impact on marginalized communities, we can begin to dismantle harmful stereotypes and work towards a more equitable future for all.

Furthermore, insinuating fear or disdain towards individuals from these communities perpetuates harmful stereotypes within the Black community. The Black community is diverse and negative perceptions linked to criminality do not apply to everyone who lives, grew up in, or left these neighborhoods. It’s a simplistic viewpoint that excuses the ingrained societal biases.

This separation or disdain within the Black community divides us and sets us back rather than uplifts us. Instead of fostering unity and solidarity, it reinforces harmful divisions and internalized prejudices. When we perpetuate stereotypes and judgments based on where someone comes from or how they speak, we undermine our collective strength and resilience as a community. We should strive to celebrate the diversity of experiences within the Black community and support each other in overcoming the systemic barriers that continue to oppress us. By recognizing our shared struggles and solidarity, we can build a stronger, more inclusive future for all Black people.

Allyyah Aali

Towson '26

I'm Allyyah Aali, currently a sophomore at Towson University, and my interests lie at the intersection of fashion, society, history, and even some daring exposés. I've always been fascinated by how fashion and society are intertwined, influencing and reflecting each other in profound ways. To me, fashion is more than just clothing; it's a form of self-expression and a mirror reflecting our cultural values and norms. One of my greatest passions is delving into the annals of fashion history. There's something truly captivating about unraveling the stories behind iconic garments and designers. I believe that understanding our fashion heritage is essential to predicting and shaping future trends. In addition to my academic pursuits, I'm also drawn to exploring the provocative and controversial aspects of fashion, particularly through exposés on the sensual side of the industry. The interplay between sensuality, identity, and fashion is a subject that continually intrigues me, and I'm dedicated to providing thoughtful commentary on it. Looking ahead, my dreams revolve around a career in fashion journalism and advertising. I envision myself crafting engaging articles for top-tier fashion magazines, shedding light on the nuances of the industry and dissecting its social implications. Simultaneously, I hope to be part of the creative process, perhaps even designing clothing that challenges conventions and inspires change. With my passion for understanding the complex relationship between fashion, society, history, and sensuality, I'm excited to make a lasting impact in the fashion world. I aim to use my unique perspective to spark conversations and drive positive change in this ever-evolving industry.