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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.

Midterms are wreaking havoc everywhere…unless you are prepared. Here are a few tips to help get you gear up and prepare for battle:

Tip 1: Explain the information in your own words.

Tip 2: Study the material in small groups and categories rather than all at once.

Tip 3: Try using mnemonics — any learning technique that aids information retention.

Tip 4: Relate concepts to one another.

Tip 5: Connect your personal experiences to the topics.

Tip 6: Test yourself.

Tip 7: Stay focused and take breaks when needed.

Tip 8: Figure out your learning style.

Tip 9: Write things down to help you remember the material.

Tip 10: Get rid of all distractions.

Tip 11: Believe it or not; eating healthier helps.

Tip 12: Make a schedule and organize the material you’re studying.

Tip 13: Always ask for help when you don’t understand something.

Tip 14: Take advantage of all the resources on campus.

Tip 15: Don’t be afraid to contact your professor when all else fails.

In addition, the two biggest factors that will help are to get enough sleep and stress management. Now that you’ve got it together, good luck soldier.


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