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WWFUD: “What Would Frank Underwood Do?”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.

Frank Underwood is an older man, yes. He is also from Gaffney, South Carolina and possesses a deep, honey-glazed southern accent that makes “home” sound like “hewm”. But when it comes to his indisputable appetite for success, you and Washington D.C.s favorite fictional Machiavellian aren’t all that different.

While we may not necessarily see or hear the words, “law” and “government” in the daily dorm-to-class scramble, Towson’s campus is crawling with politics.  Not only do we form alliances, exercise power and advance ideas and goals, we make decisions. And we make them constantly. They cover a very wide spectrum, and the outcomes are sometimes, if not always, influenced directly by exposure to student expression. From the clothing we choose to wear and the people we choose to sit with at lunch, to the songs we play through the headphones we have jammed in our ears 24/7 and the events we choose to attend… everything correlates with the impact and presence of what undergrads seem to consider “authority figures” (i.e. student organizations, Greek life, social media and friend groups).  These major influences control the individuals of the community and, as a result, they can determine and manipulate how it functions as a whole. This isn’t unlike how Frank Underwood uses his power to ploy his fellow members of Congress into practically blindfolding themselves and letting him climb the political ladder to presidency in the season finale of the Netflix Original Series, House of Cards

Simply put, governing is a significant part of higher academic life. The desire to be accomplished and on top is the inexorable drive behind the agenda of almost everyone here. So where are you right now on the ladder? Are you still climbing?

Lucky for you, almost every episode of H.O.C captures the ruthless, revenge-seeking politician mumbling a few words that prove very useful to those of us on the other side of the TV screen.

Here are 9 quotes from Underwood himself that can serve as your own personal safety net:



1. “Have you ever done this? Balance an egg? …You can’t change the law of physics, can you?”

When things aren’t going your way, try reversing your thinking. Look at the problem from a different angle.


2. “What’s the face of a coward? The back of his head as he runs from the battle.”

We’re not talking about a fistfight here. By all means, you ARE the better person if you walk away. We’re talking about a challenge, perhaps even a confrontation. Be careful not to let fear get in the way of chasing your dreams. You never know how close you are!


3. “Dreading water is the same as drowning for people like you and me.”

When you’re at the top, one step down looks and feels like ten steps down. Always bring your A-game. When you set a standard, you have two options: stick to it, or improve.


4. “The nature of promises, Linda, is that they remain immune to changing circumstances.”  

(I betcha it wasn’t a pinky promise. Nobody messes with the good old Pinky Promise…) *Ahem* The lesson here is try to follow through. You are as good as your word. Who wants to be known for cancelling plans at the last minute? Or the one who never shows up for group project meetings? You don’t want Frank coming after you, do you? Ooh, if only Linda Vasquez knew what he had up his [gorgeous Ralph Lauren Black Label suit] sleeve. 


5.“Insecurity bores me.”

Confidence is key! Perhaps you’ve heard the quote, “if you don’t own the room, the room will own you.” I’ve had my fair share of interviews and trust me – this one rings true.  Whatever you’re nervous about – whether it’s a stutter or a couple extra pounds – the fact is, we’re all in the same boat. If what you’re saying is something your audience needs to hear, they will pay attention. There’s no need to bite your tongue or hold back.


6. “There is no solace above or below. Only us — small, solitary, striving, battling one another. I pray to myself, for myself.”

The only person you can count on in this world is yourself. You are stuck with this mind, this body, this voice… get comfortable with it and treat it right. There’s a huge difference between being alone and being lonely.


7. “Friends make the worst enemies.”

Vulnerable information in the wrong hands can be dangerous, no matter who you are and what you do.  Thought it may seem like they lack the motive, the people closest to you DO have the leverage… (who is it that knows what you did with that booger in middle school? Who is it that screenshots the majority of your less-than-stellar selfies on Snapchat?) On a more serious note, be careful with whom you share your innermost thoughts – it can hurt both your feelings and your future career.


8. “Even Achilles was only as strong as his heel.”

Don’t let your weakest moment be your demise! Get back on that horse. People may notice how hard you fall, but they REMEMBER how quickly you recover.


9. “If you want my loyalty, then you have to offer yours in return.”

People like people who like them. And often times, people give what they receive. Trust and loyalty are two of the most vital tools in building personal and work relationships; the catch is that they must be earned. Be patient, and keep in mind that the best place to be is on your toes: it can take just a couple of seconds to destroy a reputation that took years to build.