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10 Things at Trinity You Can Be Thankful For

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Trinity chapter.

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, it’s the perfect time to reflect on all the things that make us feel lucky. Obviously we’re thankful for our family,  our friends, the roof over our heads, and all the opportunities provided by a college education. We thought about some other things, uniquely Trinity, that we think our readers should also count among their blessings.

1. Campus Cuties
So much eye candy, it’s ridiculous. Nominate more.

2. Sushi Wednesday
If you like sushi, Wednesday is wonderful for obvious reasons. If you don’t like sushi, it’s still awesome because crowds for everything else are seriously depleted. Win-win!

3. Trinity Days
They always roll around when you need them most. Whether you go home to relax, stay at school to catch up on reading, or jet set somewhere exotic, a 4-day weekend is always well-deserved and never disappoints.

4. Good Professors
Of course good professors are an asset to a quality college education, but really good professors are even more valuable to your college experience. They can be your mentors, your surrogate parents, your good conscience. If you’ve been fortunate to  connect with a professor like this,  count your lucky stars.

5. Midnight Breakfast at Mather
Hands down the best part of finals. Mather transforms into a magical place where professors cook you omelettes, a waterfall of fresh berries exists, and finals drama seems to dissipate. 

6. Downtown Shuttle on Thursday
Going downtown can be really fun, but really frusturating when you have to drive. Parking can be an expensive pain and if you’re hitting up the bar scene, someone needs to DD. All of these problems are solved by the downtown shuttle every Thursday night. It leaves at 7:30pm from Mather and stops on Allyn Street (Black Bear, Pour House, On the Rocks) and Trumbull Street (Trumbull Kitchen, Max Downtown, City Steam Cafe, Feng, etc). It runs every hour and makes its final pick up at midnight. Totally useful. Go SGA.

7. Library Announcer at Midnight
Always hilarious. Good for a laugh when you’re having a slumber party in the 24 hour zone of the library.

8. Trinity Restaurant
So close to campus, yummy food, BYOB, and delivers to campus at ungodly hours. I love you, Trin Rest.

9. Milkshakes at the Underground
Just when you thought you had to leave campus for a solid milkshake–PSYCH! You don’t. They’re incredible and the only downside is trying to limit how many you consume in a week.

10. Berlin Turnpike
This sounds SO random, but if you think about it; What isn’t on the Berlin Turnpike? Bowl-o-Rama, laser tag, Coldstone Creamery, a billion restaurants, Home Depot, PetCo, the list goes on and on. All of this–just a hop, skip, and jump away.

Above all, I’d like to take a line out of the pages of the Madeline books (I know you remember them…)
“We love our bread, we love our butter, but most of all we love each other.”