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Bishop Brownell

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Trinity chapter.

Given that you’ll undoubtedly be hanging with him on the quad all day, let’s catch up with your BFF for the weekend, Bishop Brownell.

Name: Thomas Church Brownell, aka “Da Bishop”. Friend me on Facebook, definitely.
Class: Union College, Class of 1804
Major: Classics
Hometown: Westport, Massachusetts; HOLLA!

HC: Tell us a little about yourself.
Bishop Brownell: I was born and raised in Westport, Massachusetts. I initially chose to go to Brown University but decided the Ivy life wasn’t for me and transferred to Union College in Schenectedy, New York. I graduated class of ’04 (that’s 1804, kiddies) and studied Chemistry in England  and in Ireland before returning to teach the subject at Union in 1809. I mixed things up in 1816 and was ordained as an Episcopalian minister, later to be appointed by the diocese of Connecticut to serve as the state’s 3rd Presiding Bishop. It was shortly after this that I had like, the best idea ever.

HC: Can you elaborate on the “best idea ever?”
BB: Obvi the establishment of the place you lovingly call home: Trinity College. My dreams came true when Washington College (a name that has since changed, of course) was chartered by a legislature in Hartford and I was appointed as the first President in 1823. I served for nearly a decade–perhaps the best years of my life.

HC: What’s your favorite place on campus?
BB: Probably the center of the main quad where I spend most of my day. That or the Fuller Arch, which I spend the majroity of my days and nights gazing at, affectionately.

HC: Describe a typical day for you at TrinColl.
BB: I wake up when the sun comes out, which can be pretty early when the leaves on my neighboring elms don’t put me in the shade. I see a couple of walks of shame in the early hours followed by sleepy students fearlessly parading to morning class. I watch tours throughout the day and overhear the same story about the results of the psychology experiment that proves that stepping on the plaque curses your graduation timeline. It’d probably make for a more humorous anecdote if they mentioned what must me done to reverse the curse. Some students join me on the quad in good weather, but nothing beats all of the friends I have on Spring Weekend.

HC: What’s the craziest thing that’s ever happened to you on campus?
BB: Tough question. All kinds of debauchery occur on a daily basis, but I definitely get a kick out of the crazies who try to scale my limbs or commit “unspeakable” acts in my presence.

HC: If you could be any superhero, you’d be...
BB: Jimmy Jones

HC: Your favorite meal is…
BB: Spicy chicken gorganzola from Trin Rest.

HC: Your favorite Trinity-based publication is…
BB: Her Campus Trinity, um DUH.
