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Ginger Peanut Soba Noodles Recipe!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Trinity chapter.

This recipe is relatively quick and easy to make. Ginger is a great addition to any meal, as it contains antioxidants, boosts your metabolism (in time for spring break!), and kills bacteria that can cause colds and viruses. Also, soba (buckwheat) noodles are a fun alternative to regular pasta, as they contain vitamin B, which also plays an important role in your metabolism. Cooking the noodles is the hardest part, as overcooked soba tend to get a little soggy. It is better to undercook the soba noodles, and make sure to pay close attention when boiling! Other than that, this dish is perfect for a light dinner and also stores well for quick lunch leftovers. Add tuna, pork or tofu for some protein! Happy cooking! 

3 T freshly grated ginger
Zest of 1 lime
3 T lime juice
3 T rice-wine vinegar
½ t salt
¼ t ground pepper
½ cup olive oil
2 8oz packages of soba noodles
½ cup thinly sliced scallions
1/3 cup chopped peanuts
In a medium bowl, whisk together ginger, lime zest, vinegar, salt, and pepper, Whisk constantly and add oil steadily until mixture is emulsified.
Bring a large saucepan of water to a boil. Add noodles, and cook until al dente according to package instructions, about 2-3 min. Drain and transfer noodles.
Add dressing, scallions, and peanuts. Enjoy!
 Photo Cred:  http://thepigandthefig.com/category/savory/pasta/

Julia is a senior at Trinity College in Hartford, CT.  She is a double major in English and American Studies.  Julia serves on the English Adviosry Board, and is an active particpant in various performances on campus through the Thearter and Dance and the Music Department at Trinity.  She loves to write, has a passion for music and dance, and sometimes thinks she's as funny as Vince Vaughn.