Name: Josh Altschuler
Year: 2013
Major: Neuroscience
Hometown: Annapolis, MD
High School: The Key School
You wear many hats. Tell us about the things you’re involved with on campus.
I am a member of the men’s varsity tennis team, conduct research with a professor in the neuroscience department, on the student board of Hillel, served as a peer leader on the Quest pre-orientation program for first year students, and work as a student admissions associate.
Admissions? That sounds very exciting.
As an student admissions associate (SAA) I am responsible for conducting information sessions and interviews for prospective students. It’s a really fun job!
What’s the hardest part about being a Student Admissions Associate?
The hardest part about being an SAA is definitely having to keep up with the write-ups that we must complete for each applicant that interviews with us. This can be difficult during the peak of application season.
And what’s the best part?
The best part about being an SAA is knowing that you have the ability to control what kind of shape the college community will take in the future. For someone like me who is passionate about Trinity, I take this responsibility extremely seriously.
You also play varsity tennis. How’s the team looking this year?
The team is looking good this year. We are a young but talented group. We have been working very hard since returning for the spring semester, and I am looking forward to seeing how we perform when we kick off our season in a few weeks out in California!
Are you superstitious? Any pre-match rituals?
In general, I am a very superstitious person, both on and off the court. Since my days of junior tennis, I have the same song that I listen to on my iPod before every match that I play, whether it’s a practice set or the real deal. I also listen to the same song before every exam that I take. Unfortunately I can’t say which song!
Name your favorite…
Sandwich at the Bistro?I do love the bistro, but nothing compares to the Al burger that is served at the Cave (made by the legendary Al). Unfortunately I also can’t disclose what is on this burger, you will just have to go try it for yourself.
Off-campus bar? Wood n’ tap. This is a favorite for my roommates and I, although full credit goes to Jack Nettleton for turning me on to this place.
Professor? Dr. Alison Draper- she’s been a mentor to me since day 1, arguably the best advisor on campus.
Memorable moment? This is hard. There are way too many. I’d have to say that all of the fall semester of sophomore year was memorable. My 20th birthday party was particularly memorable. Anyone who was there that night would agree. It’s a miracle that Anadama dormitory is still standing.
Place to study? Hillel. Not only do they have the best couches at TrinColl, but they also have a fridge full of leftover bagels, lox, and other great stuff.
Place to not-study? The library. Way too social. Have been known to go and talk to people without touching pencil to paper.
I overheard that you’re girlfriend was the cutie for Her Campus Amherst. In a head-to-head campus cutie face off, who wins?
That’s a tough one. I’d have to go with her though, she’s pretty darn cute, and I think that my highly neurotic personality may sometimes detract from my own cuteness.