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Marie Christner ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Trinity chapter.



1. Name: Marie Christner

Year: SeniorMajor: English Literature & GermanHometown: King of Prussia, Pennsylvania2. What distinguishes the Trinitones from the other acappella groups on campus?The Trinitones are all about keeping in touch with our roots. We’re Trinity’s oldest all-female A Cappella group, so we have a lot of really fun traditions, including songs that have been in the group for almost 30 years. 3. Tell us what you love most about being in the Trinitones…What I love most is that we’re a group of girls who are basically sisters. We can tell each other anything and are always there for each other, both in and out of rehearsal.4. When is your next concert and can you tell us what to expect from it…? 

OcTONErfest is happening this Friday (October 3rd) at 9:00 PM under the Northam arch. Be there!

5. What are you most excited about for the group in the upcoming year?

I’m so excited about being Musical Director and about making my mark on the group before I graduate!

6. Any advice for aspiring Trinitones out there..?

A Trinitone should be two things: sassy and classy <3



American Studies Major at Trinity College