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Nana Sampong ’12

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Trinity chapter.
Name: Nana Yaw Appah-Sampong
Hometown: Lake Mary, Fl
Year: 2012
Major: Political Science
Public Policy and Law
Relationship Status: Dating

What are you involved with on campus?

President of Alpha Chi Rho
4 year member of the football team
What’s your favorite thing about Trinity?
The guys I played football with. I especially enjoyed the music on White Out Wednesday’s, Thirsty Thursday’s and Funky Friday’s.
Do you have any plans for next year?
Possibly Teach For America, Government Relations in Boston or Pursuing a Masters 
Describe your ideal girl
5’5 with Brown Eyes, Smile Like the Sunrise
How are you spending winter break?
Going back to Florida, spending time with the family, visiting some friends
What’s your favorite part about the holidays?
The Champs Sports and Capital One bowl are played in Orlando. I go every year and are usually a lot of fun. 
Take us through a typical Saturday night in your life
Take a little nap, take a shower, get dressed, blast some music, play one or two games of madden, meet up with roommates and swashbuckle.
Any hidden talents?
I can cook and speak an African Language
What’s your favorite class you’ve taken here at Trinity?
My First Year Seminar, Mafia
Best memory from your college experience so far?
Congregation at Jackson 214 where all of the magic took place. You know who you are!!
The individual who nominated you described you as: “real sweet, but Santa don’t let him fool you twice, this man is nothing but naughty at night.”  Any comment?
Tell her I appreciate the love.
Julia is a senior at Trinity College in Hartford, CT.  She is a double major in English and American Studies.  Julia serves on the English Adviosry Board, and is an active particpant in various performances on campus through the Thearter and Dance and the Music Department at Trinity.  She loves to write, has a passion for music and dance, and sometimes thinks she's as funny as Vince Vaughn.