Rainy days for some consist of binge watching Netflix with TrinRest Spicy Chicken Gorgonzola. If you consider braving the weather and shedding your perfectly comfortable pajama ensemble this article is for you. Rain gear is sincerely a great investment; there’s nothing better than avoiding wet toes and frizzy hair.
Rain boots aren’t the prettiest shoes I have ever seen. I see most girls on campus sporting the classic Hunter boot. Hunter has designed new styles for their boots line like the short black Chelsea style rain boots on the left. Stepping out of Hunter comfort zone and looking for something different is encouraged. A pop of color and embellishment can make a rainy day outfit not look so miserable.
Raincoats can last you a lifetime. I honestly love mine—it’s long and reaches just above my knee so I don’t have deal with the unfortunate soaking wet jean situation. Also be mindful that bringing your Barbour to a rainy late night is probably not the call. Ditching the typical blue, neutral, and black raincoat for the trendy transparent look may be a good purchase for the rainy days ahead.