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#WCW Lauren Ollerhead ’18

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Trinity chapter.

Name: Lauren Ollerhead

Hometown: Westwood, Massachusetts 

Major: Biology and Philosophy

Relationship Status: Single 


Go-To Peter B’s Order:  black iced coffee when it’s bikini season

Go-To Pick Up Line: 2am LinkedIn messages

Go-To Outfit: sweats always

Celeb Crush: Ben Affleck 

Secret Talent: I can read minds so be careful with what you think 

Favorite thing to do Off-Campus: Whole Foods

Favorite On Campus Spot: the quad in the spring

Guilty Pleasure: nature documentaries 

Five Things you can’t live without: coffee, an aux cord, Michael Scott, Netflix……… and chillin.  

Best Thing about Trinity: The size, I actually have a two person lab 

Deal Breaker: If you like cats

Dream Travel Destination: New Zealand

Food to Binge-Eat: Doritos (cool ranch), but never ever ever the red kind

Shower thoughts: Who closes the door when the bus driver gets out?!; What even is a blue raspberry? 

Noori is a junior at Trinity College with a major in Philosophy and a minor in Religious Studies.
Kelly is a junior at Trinity College, double majoring in English and American Studies. Besides being the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus, she is a barista at Peter B's Espresso, Features Editor of The Trinity Tripod, and a member of the executive council for SGA.