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Meet Your SGA President, Justin Lee

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TSU chapter.

One of Justin Lee’s dreams have come true.

Lee, a junior majoring in interpersonal communication, is the new Student Government Association president.

“My passion is making sure the student body is well taken care of,” Lee said. “I am here to listen.”

Lee’s passion can be summarized through the platform for his student government administration, F.O.C.U.S., or “Fulfill Educational Dreams – Overcoming Obstacles – by Breaking Communication Barriers – Unifying Students.”

Lee strives to bring the morale back at TSU. He wants students to support our players at games and attend events such as this year’s Freshmen Rock the House on August 26. “It’s going to be bigger and better than ever,” Lee said.

Lee is no stranger to student government. In his high school student council, Lee worked his way up from treasurer, to student body secretary, to student body vice president and then president his senior year. Lee has had his sights set on the presidential seat at TSU ever since he set foot on the campus in the fall of 2014. “This is a dream come true,” Lee said.


Lee’s road to the TSU presidency began with his run for Mr. Freshman in 2014. Lee did not win but he still persevered, learned his constitution and ran for Urban Academic Village senator. Lee served as UAV senator for the 2014-2015 term.


His drive and dedication did not go unnoticed. Lee sparked the attention of former SGA President Crystal Owens, who asked him to run on her ticket as executive secretary. Lee served in Owens’ cabinet for the 2015-2016 term. “When I first met Justin, I noticed he was very ambitious,” Owens said. “I think he’s going to do an excellent job as president.”


Lee urges students to keep pushing, to stay well rounded and set high goals for themselves. Following his own advice, Lee’s ultimate goal is to be the Senior Research and Recovery Director for the White House.