1. DIY Avocado Face Mask
Ingredients: ½ ripe avocado + 2 tbsp. honey.
Make this easy facemask during the cold weather to hydrate your skin. Apply this mask onto your skin, let it sit for about 15 to 30 minutes, and rinse off with warm water. Pat your skin to dry!
2. DIY Yogurt Hair Mask
Make a hair mask to condition and protect your hair from the windy, dry weather by mixing 2 raw eggs, ½ cup of plain yogurt, ½ cup of honey, and ½ cup olive oil in a large bowl. Apply from the roots to the ends of your hair. Leave it in for about 30 minutes. Tip: Put on a shower cap to avoid a mess! Then, wash it out with warm water.
3. DIY Berry Lip Balm and Stain
Ingredients: 2 tbsp. beeswax shavings + 1 tbsp. coconut oil + 2 tsp. sweet almond oil + lipstick shavings + essential oils.
Boil water in a small sauce pan and place a bowl on top, creating a double boiler. Melt all the ingredients together until the mixture is no longer chunky, and then remove it from the heat. Be careful not to overcook! Then, stir the mixture. Now add about 10 drops of an essential oil of your choice. Portion the mixture into containers, and pop them into the fridge for a few hours. All done!
4. DIY Body Brown Sugar Scrub
Take two parts brown sugar and one part olive oil and mix in a large bowl. Store in a large, closed jar in a cool, dry place. In the shower, slather the scrub onto your skin, and rinse off the dead skin cells, revealing radiant, moisturized skin.
Suggested amount for one use: 2/3 cup brown sugar and 1/3 cup olive oil = 1 cup of amazing exfoliating body scrub.
Looking for more beauty tips? Check out these 7 steps to make your eyes look bigger!
Photos courtesy of: thepostsocial.com, taysullivan.com, deliacreates.com, dailymakeover.com.
Edited by: Lauren Medwid