Thanksgiving break is a time that we most strongly associate with close family, high school friends, and – of course – delicious home-cooked meals. But while Thursday is dedicated to cranberry sauce and stories of Plymouth Rock, lets not forget about Friday and Saturday. This short recess is the first time since the beginning of the school year that many Collegiettes will return home to see
old friends – and former flames. Well-rested, well fed, and armed with Her Campus Tufts’ Guide for What to Pack for Thanksgiving Break, you will be more than ready to take this last weekend of November by the horns. And – speaking of horns – we cannot deny that this weekend, like all others, will be surely be filled with ample opportunities for romance and debauchery.
We all know how tempting it can be to reconnect with a recent ex, seek out a past hook-up, or even shack up with a friend of a friend. I’m only home for a few days, you may tell yourself. What damage could really be done in that short a period of time? It’s not like I’m going to get re-attached, start wondering about what could-have-been, or develop a new crush. But lets be honest, girls – is this really true? Most likely not. Now I’m not urging abstinence or suggesting that you deny yourself a different kind of dessert this Thanksgiving. I’m
ly offering the wisdom I have gained as an older, experienced senior, spoken through the nearly two-decade old words of Ice Cube: “You better check yo’self before you wreck yo’self.” Hometown hook-ups can be fun, but there are a few things you should keep in mind when deciding how – and with whom – to spend these next few evenings.
1) Ex-es are ex-es for a reason – Whether he cheated on you, you didn’t think a long-distance collegiate relationship would work out, or things simply fizzled out, you and your last boyfriend didn’t just decide to call it quits because your horoscope told you that it was not a good time for love. Take it from someone who has made the mistake of drawing out a break up: keep the past in the past. You had a connection once, and it’s likely that there is still something lingering between you, whether or not you’re willing to admit it. Save yourself the drama and the possible re-awakened heartache, and vow not to revisit what once was.
2) Even if you’re from Vegas, what happens at home doesn’t stay at home – Despite what the oh-so-wise Sean William Scott assured us in the 2000 movie Road Trip, it is just plain untrue that “It’s never cheating when you’re in a different area code, not to mention a different state.” If you’re involved with a boy at school, don’t jeopardize your on-campus affair (or your personal integrity!) by having a tryst with a townie. It may be tempting in the moment, but just think of how horrible you’ll feel on Sunday when breaking the news to your collegiate cutie.
3) Hometown gossip is now obsolete – We’ve all been there – you make the agonizing decision to turn down a hottie out of fear that the jealous girls at your high school will bash you for it on Monday. You’ll be leaving home in a few days, so the only people you have to worry about guilting you for your late-night choices are your friends (who, by definition, won’t), and yourself. Is there a guy at home who you’ve always had your eye on but have never gone for out of fear that you will be irrationally ostracized for it? Now is your c
hance – go for it! Forget the gossips from your high school; let your eyes, your hormones, and your moral compass guide you.
4) One-night stands are okay – That’s right, I said it. We Collegiettes are sometimes warned against treating guys as what I like to call “one-and-done”s. Honestly? Whatever. We are all concerned about our reputations, and no one wants to be labeled with the horribly pejorative “s word,” but guess what? Facebook stalk though they may, no one from home can possibly know exactly who – ahem, I mean “what” – you’ve been up to at school (unless you’ve told them). Thanksgiving break is the perfect time to cozy up to that hot assh*le who you’ve always wanted to hit-and-run. (What? We all have them!) Just remember, the can’t-know-if-you-don’t-tell phenomenon goes both ways: you don’t know who (or what) these dreamy douches have been up to, so – as always – be safe! Don’t put yourself in any compromising positions, remember to use protection, and never do anything you don’t truly want to do.
5) Always remember to put your friends first – Boys can be fun, but nothing beats spending time with the girls. When weighing a booty call against a mani/pedi/movie night, don’t give into the former without considering the latter. Furthermore, just as at school, it is important to consider your friends’ opinions on sloppy seconds – a couple of steamy nights is not worth compromising years of friendships. And last but not least, despite the fact that you no longer pass your male friends in the hallway five days a week, a random romp in the hay still has the potential to complicate things between you.
With finals looming in the not-so-distant future, we all deserve five days of rest (and fun!) So take advantage of the comforts of home, get some TLC from your pets, and bro out with some Thanksgiving Day football. And if you f
ind yourself being chatted up by a hometown hottie one evening, remember that this is a holiday associated with indulgence. Just pull out your phone, re-read these guidelines, and make the game-time decision as to whether it’s worth it to continue your conversation. Remember: it’s always fun to have an unexpected DFMO, but every night that doesn’t take a turn towards the bedroom is an opportunity to spend more time with the female friends you’ve so missed since September. Happy Thanksgiving, Collegiettes!
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