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5 Ways to Kick the Freshman 15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

The freshman 15 is pretty notorious. You tried to be conscious about it, and yet here you are, a month into the school year wondering why those jeans have become harder to button in the morning. Being a freshman is hectic, and there are  only so many hours in a day! But not to worry; almost everyone goes through weight change during their freshman year, and even just acknowledging it is a step in the right direction. Here are some pointers so that you don’t become just another “Freshman 15” statistic:


1. Avoid Stress Eating

It’s easy to grab a bag of chips as you dive into that essay, and mindlessly eat until you’ve managed to finish the “Family Size” bag. Being aware of what you’re eating is hard when your mind is buried so deep in studying. Instead of having to think about it while you work, grab something healthy to snack on, and make it the only thing in reaching distance (try Altoids–they’re easy to throw back like candy but much better for you).


2. Get a Gym Buddy

If someone is counting on you to go with them, it’s a lot harder to blow off the gym, no matter how much you’d rather watch TV or take a nap.


3. Drink Water

Not only does Zac Efron make it look good, but it’s also super important for a healthy diet. Drinking water helps your body process calories, and allows you to flush out wastes. Carrying around your favorite sticker-covered bottle is never a bad idea, and allows you to skip the fountain drink line at hodg!


4. Go for the Hummus Over the Ben & Jerry’s

It may be enticing to grab some Tonight Show Dough from the Hodgdon freezer, but in the long term you’re better off with hummus and carrots. Keeping healthier options in your mini fridge will leave you with no choice but to snack on something that won’t make your tummy hurt or your jeans pop.


5. Skip the Joey

A 15 minute walk to Davis is an easy way to get in a few extra steps. The joey never runs when you need it anyway, so why not get there faster and burn some calories on the way?

But at the end of the day, it’s important to remember that although health and fitness do matter, what matters most is happiness, and not the number on the scale. After all, 4 years is a short time, and you should enjoy every second of it!