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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

Finally, the election of our president for the next four years is on Tuesday. That is a scary thought for many people, so here are some hilarious memes to help lighten your mood and take off some stress. Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s facial expressions make for some absolutely hysterical memes! 


New look who dis? 


E= mc2 right??


There is nothing to see here! 


Turnitin.com will never catch me hehe


No touchy!


Hmm I wonder what the word is?


Real old…


Too true…


Scared sheetless!

What is juju on that beat? 

Idk that’s a tough one…

And to sum up all of our thoughts and feelings…

We can’t wait for the season finale! If you need a crash course on the candidates before voting day, check out what our candidates’ plans are for our country! If you need another good laugh, check out the deadly duo in their performance of “I’ve Had the Time of My Life” in this video. 

Ellexa is a features writer at Her Campus. As a senior Tufts University, Ellexa studies economics and fim & media studies. She plays varsity field hockey at Tufts, has her own weekly webcasted show called Bo Zone, plays club lacrosse at Tufts, and writes for Tufts' chapter of Her Campus. In her free time, she loves to hang out with friends, watch Suits, online shop, and drink lots of iced chai tea lattes. After graduation, Ellexa hopes to work in the broadcast journalism industry.