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He Said vs. She Said: Booty Calls

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

“Booty calls” are a fact of collegiate life. Whether you’re making them, receiving them, praying for them, or warding them off like the plague, where there are horny 20-something-year-olds, there will be random 
sex. Having spent my underclassman years as an asexual Blackout Barbie, I began my junior fall as clueless about college hook-up culture as a baby freshman. So I promptly got a boyfriend, thereby successfully delaying my entry into the dramatic world of collegiate “dating” for another year. Now that I have finally begun to brave the murky waters of the friendcestuous Tufts hook-up scene, I have quickly learned the importance of establishing your own personal booty call rules and guidelines. As knowledge is the most effective form of preparation, I decided to survey members of the student body about their own booty call styles, so that you all may be better prepared the next time you send (or receive!) a late-night text …

Next page: “He Said…”


He said…

“I’m for booty calls, I’ll just ask a girl what she’s doing, I guess. If a girl does it it kind of depends which girl it is, but most of the time I don’t think much of it. It really depends on the girl and the situation, though, I think it’s best not to have sleepovers.” – sophomore

“Usually I just ask a girl if she wants to hook up, and I think it’s a total power move if she’s the one to propose it. As for rules, I adhere to the Gremlin Laws: 1) no sunlight – don’t see them during the day, 2) don’t get them wet – no showers at your place, and 3) don’t feed them after midnight.” – junior

“I’m not actually a big booty caller. I’ll usually just text a girl to invite her over at night – past eleven so she knows what’s good. The only rule I have is that I don’t want a girl to get super attached, or for her to get upset if I hook up with someone else. Getting booty called by girls can be nice, too, if you’re into the girl. Ideally, she’ll ask if she can come over, though – I’m less inclined to go to someone else’s house when I’m already in my PJs.” – junior

“I’m okay with it if you’re single and whatnot; people are meant to get laid. I usually just text a girl ‘What’s up, do you want to come over tonight?’ or ‘Come over late-night,’ depending on if it’s a STRAIGHT booty call. I think it’s dope when girls take the initiative to do it, just don’t burn bridges” – senior

“I’m pro-booty call, for sure. I just ask girls ‘Want to hang out?’ – everybody knows what that means at the right time. When a girl does it to me, that’s awesome, just don’t be awkward or pretend that you don’t want to be there once you come over, because if we’re already together, it’s very clear that you do. Also, no sleepovers.” – senior

Next page: “She Said…”


She said…

“I prefer to be the one making booty calls. If a guy does it to me, whether I’ll be into it depends on my relationship with the guy – if we’ve been hooking up for a while I’ll like that he’s being to the point! If I’m the one initiating, I’ll usually wait until after midnight and just say ‘Hey, what are you up to?’ My top three rules are: 1) no strangers, 2) no sleepovers, and 3) no awkwardness – it should just be a fun way to relieve stress!” – sophomore

“If I want a booty call, I’ll just text the guy ‘What are you up to?’ and invite him over. If I go to his place, I’ll only go if at least one ofmy friends knows where I am, and only if he gives me a ride home in the morning. Booty calls are booty calls, so no texting during the day unless he initiates, and treat him like a friend until otherwise stated.” – junior

“Usually if I’m booty calling a guy I’ll just start with ‘Hey, what are you up to tonight?’ but I have said straight-up ‘Text me if you are alone tonight,’ so the lead-up depends on the night. If a guy booty calls me, it depends on how he phrases it – normally I’m happy about it if we’ve hooked up before, but at other times guys can be so hilariously awkward about it. Condoms are non-negotiable, and sleepovers are fine if I feel comfortable, but no breakfast or hanging out the next morning – that just complicates things. And no booty calling guys I’m actually friends with.” – junior

“I’m all for booty calls, but only if it’s more consistent, not like a one-night stand. If I’m proposing it, my phrasing totally varies, but it’s definitely not okay if he’s dating or hooking up with someone else consistently. Other than that, he has to drive me home in the morning, or at least give me something respectable to walk-of-shame in. And if you don’t want more than a booty call, don’t text me during the day.” – senior

“If a guy booty calls me when I’m sober, I’ll generally laugh at it, and will likely get offended if it’s a good friend. All of my texts get ridiculous once alcohol enters the equation, so if I’m initiating, chances are I’ll either say something completely outrageous, or just ‘Come play.’ I know that I get attached super easily, so to avoid that, I can’t cuddle after or have sleepovers, and it’s definitely best not to have a repeat within the following week or two. Also, it’s not a booty call if you actually have feelings for him – then it’s just messy.” – senior

Next Page: What you need to know…


Whether you’re placing, receiving, considering, or rejecting a booty call, it’s important that you always keep a few things in mind: 1) don’t do anything you don’t want to do, and 2) it’s never too late to back out (or decide to follow through!). The most important thing is that you’re comfortable with whatever choices you make. Aside from that, have fun and be safe! (And make sure to submit and post-booty call questions here to get advice from our What Happened Last Night advice columnists!).

Photos courtesy of: techcoquette.com, hercampus.com, thecollegerush.com

 Jessica Lee is a senior at Tufts University in Medford, MA. Before transferring to Tufts in the fall of 2011, she spent a semester abroad in Paris, and studied at Claremont McKenna College in Claremont, CA, for two years. Jessica is majoring in English and minoring in Communications & Media Studies, with an eye towards working in PR or Marketing. Never one to shy away from taboo topics or keep her opinion to herself, Jessica enjoys coming up with topics for her weekly “He Said vs. She Said” column.
Alex Horvitz is a junior at Tufts University in Boston, MA. She is double-majoring in Economics and Psychology and minoring in Communications and Media Studies. With a passion for beauty blogging, Alex is a contributing beauty blogger for Her Campus. Alex is a Co-President of Her Campus Tufts and she also worked as a Sales & Marketing Associate for Her Campus during the Summer of 2012. Email AlexHorvitz@hercampus.com with questions or connect with her on Twitter @Alex_Horvitz or LinkedIn!