As a freshman entering college, it can be easy to assume that you are entering a new world free of high school judgment and pettiness. Indeed, what makes college so amazing is that the larger environment enables one to live as they please without worrying that half the school knows if they hooked up with someone Saturday night. That being said, it is still entirely possible to make a name for oneself in college, especially at a smaller-sized school like Tufts. More so, there is no guaranteeing that name will be a good one. Freshman year is so exciting and full of new and fun experiences, but here are a few tips to help any incoming collegiette avoid becoming known as THAT freshman girl.
1. Do NOT act like you’re still in high school.
Even if you were the head cheerleader and two-time homecoming queen in high school, do not come into college acting like you own the place. There is nothing more annoying than seeing a freshman girl walking around in oversized sunglasses acting like she already runs the school. That will not win you friends or influence, but rather most likely make peers and upperclassman resent you. If you’re seeking love and admiration, then be the girl who is sweet to everyone and makes an effort to reach out to others. That’s a guaranteed way to be well known and respected around campus.
2. Do NOT hook up with every guy you meet.
As mentioned before, part of what makes college so awesome is the greater degree of anonymity, which means it is easier to keep your business private if you so wish. That being said, people talk, which means that if you are having multiple dance floor make outs every night and taking back a different boy to your room each night, people will begin to wonder exactly what you’re up to. There is nothing wrong with having fun and meeting new people, but as a general rule you should probably know the boy’s name if you’re down to get extra friendly. After all, if you don’t keep your standards high, then soon you won’t meet others either.
3. DO be open to new experiences and meeting new people.
It’s easy to come into college with a clear idea about the activities you want to do and the type of people you want to hang out with, but don’t be against changing your mindset. Just because you only hung out with athletes in high school, doesn’t mean that should be your set clique at Tufts too. Likewise, you may come into college with the notion that you would never ever try out for a club sport or join Greek life, but exploring different activities may be the key to a more rewarding college experience. Don’t be the girl who won’t leave her comfort zone, you’ll get left behind while everyone else is off having fun.
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