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Nathaniel Hajian ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

Name: Nathaniel Hajian
Hometown: Newton, MA

Major: Political Science
Class Year: 2015
Relationship Status:  Single
What’s your sign:  What’s your sign….?
Describe your perfect mate in three words:  Athletic, Smart, Hilarious
Do you play any sports?  I row Crew
Favorite position. Take that as you will: Stroke Seat, Baby
If You could go one place in the world where would you go and why?  Nantucket with my 8 best friends
What’s your favorite movie?  Goodwill Hunting
What are your summer plans?  Rowing U23, interning at a business in Boston, and spending the weekends on the cape
What kind of animal would you be?  An Eagle
What is your favorite thing about Tufts?  Hotung Smoothies and the fratio at 123.