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Quinn Metoyer ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

Name: Quinn Metoyer

Class Year: 2017

Hometown: Tampa, FL

Major: Undecided


Residence: Miller Hall


Sport: Football


Nickname(s): Quinnie (the Pooh)

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Relationship Status: Single

Spirit Animal: Wolverine

Your Anthem: Medicated by Wiz Khalifa


Most played song on your iPod: Ignition Remix by R. Kelly


Habits: I apparently giggle in my sleep.


Dream job: Orthodontist

Proudest Accomplishment: Probably my certification in scuba diving.

Hidden Talent: I can unwrap a Starburst with my mouth.


Beauty Regimen: I floss after I eat.


Favorite day and why: Thanksgiving because I’m surrounded by family and food.

Favorite Item of Clothing: I like my Vans.

Favorite Childhood Star: Johnny Bravo


Celebrity Crush: Scarlett Johansson


Ideal date: Doing something we can get in trouble for.

If I had a million dollars I would…: Buy a golf cart so I don’t have to walk up this hill.

Guilty Pleasure: Watching “Orange is the New Black”.


Edited By: Rima Desai