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Rachel, Alex, & Emily: New HC Tufts Staff!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

                                       Please welcome our three new staff members: Rachel, Alex, and Emily!

Rachel Clarke 
Hometown: Philadelphia, PA
Major: Undecided
Involved in: Varsity track and field 
Interests/ Hobbies: reading, writing, art,  fashion 

Emily Rennert 
Hometown: Miami, FL 
Major: Undecided 
Involved in: Spirit of Color dance troupe 
Interest/ Hobbies: dance,  fashion, celebrities, writing

Danielle Carbonneau is a senior at Tufts University double majoring in English and Spanish with a minor in Communications and Media Studies. She is very interested in advertising and has been the editor-in-chief of a creative writing publication on campus. Danielle loves chocolate chip pancakes, horror stories, and her family. She has a crush on HerCampus and all the amazing contributing writers.